NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

Amalie Motor Oil NHRA Gatornationals

Amalie Motor Oil NHRA Gatornationals

  • Mar 07-10, 2024
  • Gainesville Raceway
  • 11211 N County Road 225 Gainesville, FL 32609

Detailed Results

Lane Driver Car No. Q. Pos. RT 60 FT 330 FT 660 FT 660 MPH ET MPH MOV First
Left Doug Kalitta 1 16 .068 .842 2.127 2.997 292.39 3.723 332.10 -- --
Right Tripp Tatum WIN 144 15 -.126 .847 2.139 3.017 288.03 3.761 319.07 -- .1568

Weather conditions: air temperature 77 degrees, relative humidity 70 percent, barometer 29.93 inches, adjusted altitude 1,991 feet, track temperature 93 degrees. This is a great side-by-side drag race to start the session. Kalitta kept it hooked up and is straight down the groove. He goes to the number one spot. Doug Kalitta's incremental times: 60ft-0.842 sec., 330ft-2.127, 660ft-2.997/292.39 mph. Tatum with a great pass, kept it hitting on all eight.

Lane Driver Car No. Q. Pos. RT 60 FT 330 FT 660 FT 660 MPH ET MPH MOV First
Left Justin Ashley WIN 4 16 .055 .871 2.206 3.120 280.78 3.892 311.56 -- .0947
Right Cody Krohn 211X 14 .090 .874 2.228 3.159 273.94 3.951 286.92 -- --

Ashley is straight down the groove with a good clean pass. He moves off the bump spot. Krohn starts to get loose on the top end. Apparently he used up an engine as there is oil on the track. He makes his career quickest and fastest pass in only his second National event.

Lane Driver Car No. Q. Pos. RT 60 FT 330 FT 660 FT 660 MPH ET MPH MOV First
Left Tony Schumacher WIN 9 16 .083 .845 2.139 3.000 294.05 3.728 328.94 -- .0569
Right Josh Hart 77 8 .091 .836 2.133 3.021 286.25 3.776 318.62 -- --

this was a good side-by-side drag race. Schumacher with header flames lit to the finish line goes to the number two spot. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.845 sec., 330ft-2.139, 660ft-3.000/294.05 mph. Hart with a really good pass to move into the top half of the show. Josh Hart's incremental times: 60ft-0.836 sec., 330ft-2.133, 660ft-3.021/286.25 mph.

Lane Driver Car No. Q. Pos. RT 60 FT 330 FT 660 FT 660 MPH ET MPH MOV First
Left Tony Stewart WIN 14 15 .059 .851 2.141 3.002 291.38 3.739 327.82 -- 3.7661
Right Brittany Force 7 9 .108 .832 2.454 4.679 92.88 7.456 78.52 -- --

Stewart with a great pass, straight down the groove with the candles lit. He goes to the number four spot. Tony Stewart's incremental times: 60ft-0.851 sec., 330ft-2.141, 660ft-3.002/291.38 mph. Force starts to lose traction and clicks it off.

Lane Driver Car No. Q. Pos. RT 60 FT 330 FT 660 FT 660 MPH ET MPH MOV First
Left Clay Millican WIN 51 14 .101 .850 2.130 3.000 291.82 3.726 332.67 -- .0399
Right Billy Torrence 474 9 .081 .841 2.149 3.035 285.83 3.785 320.13 -- --

Millican launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number two spot. Clay Millican's incremental times: 60ft-0.850 sec., 330ft-2.130, 660ft-3.000/291.82 mph. Torrence's chute started to deploy around 300 feet and still makes this pass. Billy Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.841 sec., 330ft-2.149, 660ft-3.035/285.83 mph.

Lane Driver Car No. Q. Pos. RT 60 FT 330 FT 660 FT 660 MPH ET MPH MOV First
Left Shawn Reed 716 14 .076 .875 2.173 3.050 288.27 3.791 325.45 -- --
Right Mike Salinas WIN 7211 7 .128 .839 2.108 2.976 290.51 3.717 321.19 -- .0226

Reed with a career best E.T. and speed to move up the ladder a couple spots. Shawn Reed's incremental times: 60ft-0.875 sec., 330ft-2.173, 660ft-3.050/288.27 mph. Salinas is mixing cylinders up on the top end and still goes to the top. Mike Salinas' incremental times: 60ft-0.839 sec., 330ft-2.108, 660ft-2.976/290.51 mph.

Lane Driver Car No. Q. Pos. RT 60 FT 330 FT 660 FT 660 MPH ET MPH MOV First
Left Doug Foley 1301 14 .113 .846 2.138 3.012 286.92 3.764 318.84 -- --
Right Shawn Langdon WIN 333 7 .071 .832 2.108 2.971 293.66 3.697 332.43 -- .1097

Foley kept it hitting on all eight to go to the number nine spot. Doug Foley's incremental times: 60ft-0.846 sec., 330ft-2.138, 660ft-3.012/286.92 mph. Langdon launched hard and was straight as an arrow to go to the number one spot. Shawn Langdon's incremental times: 60ft-0.832 sec., 330ft-2.108, 660ft-2.971/293.66 mph.

Lane Driver Car No. Q. Pos. RT 60 FT 330 FT 660 FT 660 MPH ET MPH MOV First
Left Antron Brown 6 14 .068 .845 2.331 4.142 116.47 6.238 104.82 -- --
Right Steve Torrence WIN 2 6 .040 .827 2.109 2.967 294.63 3.690 333.08 -- 2.5768

Brown is up in smoke early and clicks it off. Torrence with the header flames shooting high over the rear wing all the way down the track. He goes back to the number one spot after getting back to the number six spot prior to the run. Steve Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.827 sec., 330ft-2.109, 660ft-2.967/294.63 mph.

Lane left right
Driver Doug Kalitta Tripp Tatum W
Car # 1 144
Q. Pos. 16 15
RT .068 -.126
60 FT .842 .847
330 FT 2.127 2.139
660 FT 2.997 3.017
660 MPH 292.39 288.03
ET 3.723 3.761
MPH 332.10 319.07
MOV -- --
First -- .1568

Weather conditions: air temperature 77 degrees, relative humidity 70 percent, barometer 29.93 inches, adjusted altitude 1,991 feet, track temperature 93 degrees. This is a great side-by-side drag race to start the session. Kalitta kept it hooked up and is straight down the groove. He goes to the number one spot. Doug Kalitta's incremental times: 60ft-0.842 sec., 330ft-2.127, 660ft-2.997/292.39 mph. Tatum with a great pass, kept it hitting on all eight.

Lane left right
Driver Justin Ashley W Cody Krohn
Car # 4 211X
Q. Pos. 16 14
RT .055 .090
60 FT .871 .874
330 FT 2.206 2.228
660 FT 3.120 3.159
660 MPH 280.78 273.94
ET 3.892 3.951
MPH 311.56 286.92
MOV -- W --
First .0947 --

Ashley is straight down the groove with a good clean pass. He moves off the bump spot. Krohn starts to get loose on the top end. Apparently he used up an engine as there is oil on the track. He makes his career quickest and fastest pass in only his second National event.

Lane left right
Driver Tony Schumacher W Josh Hart
Car # 9 77
Q. Pos. 16 8
RT .083 .091
60 FT .845 .836
330 FT 2.139 2.133
660 FT 3.000 3.021
660 MPH 294.05 286.25
ET 3.728 3.776
MPH 328.94 318.62
MOV -- W --
First .0569 --

this was a good side-by-side drag race. Schumacher with header flames lit to the finish line goes to the number two spot. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.845 sec., 330ft-2.139, 660ft-3.000/294.05 mph. Hart with a really good pass to move into the top half of the show. Josh Hart's incremental times: 60ft-0.836 sec., 330ft-2.133, 660ft-3.021/286.25 mph.

Lane left right
Driver Tony Stewart W Brittany Force
Car # 14 7
Q. Pos. 15 9
RT .059 .108
60 FT .851 .832
330 FT 2.141 2.454
660 FT 3.002 4.679
660 MPH 291.38 92.88
ET 3.739 7.456
MPH 327.82 78.52
MOV -- W --
First 3.7661 --

Stewart with a great pass, straight down the groove with the candles lit. He goes to the number four spot. Tony Stewart's incremental times: 60ft-0.851 sec., 330ft-2.141, 660ft-3.002/291.38 mph. Force starts to lose traction and clicks it off.

Lane left right
Driver Clay Millican W Billy Torrence
Car # 51 474
Q. Pos. 14 9
RT .101 .081
60 FT .850 .841
330 FT 2.130 2.149
660 FT 3.000 3.035
660 MPH 291.82 285.83
ET 3.726 3.785
MPH 332.67 320.13
MOV -- W --
First .0399 --

Millican launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number two spot. Clay Millican's incremental times: 60ft-0.850 sec., 330ft-2.130, 660ft-3.000/291.82 mph. Torrence's chute started to deploy around 300 feet and still makes this pass. Billy Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.841 sec., 330ft-2.149, 660ft-3.035/285.83 mph.

Lane left right
Driver Shawn Reed Mike Salinas W
Car # 716 7211
Q. Pos. 14 7
RT .076 .128
60 FT .875 .839
330 FT 2.173 2.108
660 FT 3.050 2.976
660 MPH 288.27 290.51
ET 3.791 3.717
MPH 325.45 321.19
MOV -- --
First -- .0226

Reed with a career best E.T. and speed to move up the ladder a couple spots. Shawn Reed's incremental times: 60ft-0.875 sec., 330ft-2.173, 660ft-3.050/288.27 mph. Salinas is mixing cylinders up on the top end and still goes to the top. Mike Salinas' incremental times: 60ft-0.839 sec., 330ft-2.108, 660ft-2.976/290.51 mph.

Lane left right
Driver Doug Foley Shawn Langdon W
Car # 1301 333
Q. Pos. 14 7
RT .113 .071
60 FT .846 .832
330 FT 2.138 2.108
660 FT 3.012 2.971
660 MPH 286.92 293.66
ET 3.764 3.697
MPH 318.84 332.43
MOV -- --
First -- .1097

Foley kept it hitting on all eight to go to the number nine spot. Doug Foley's incremental times: 60ft-0.846 sec., 330ft-2.138, 660ft-3.012/286.92 mph. Langdon launched hard and was straight as an arrow to go to the number one spot. Shawn Langdon's incremental times: 60ft-0.832 sec., 330ft-2.108, 660ft-2.971/293.66 mph.

Lane left right
Driver Antron Brown Steve Torrence W
Car # 6 2
Q. Pos. 14 6
RT .068 .040
60 FT .845 .827
330 FT 2.331 2.109
660 FT 4.142 2.967
660 MPH 116.47 294.63
ET 6.238 3.690
MPH 104.82 333.08
MOV -- --
First -- 2.5768

Brown is up in smoke early and clicks it off. Torrence with the header flames shooting high over the rear wing all the way down the track. He goes back to the number one spot after getting back to the number six spot prior to the run. Steve Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.827 sec., 330ft-2.109, 660ft-2.967/294.63 mph.