NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

Dodge Mile-High NHRA Nationals Presented By Pennzoil

Dodge Mile-High NHRA Nationals Presented By Pennzoil

  • Jul 19-21, 2019
  • Bandimere Speedway
  • 3051 S Rooney Rd., Morrison, CO 80465

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Right Cristian Cuadra WIN 409M PRO -- .053 1.038 3.005 4.660 148.84 6.087 7.293 187.42 -- -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 97 degrees, relative humidity 13 percent, barometer 24.14 inches, adjusted altitude 10,067 feet, track temperature 120 degrees. Cuadra is making his NHRA Pro Stock debut. He is straight down the groove with a good pass.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Steve Matusek WIN 545 PRO -- .052 1.053 3.038 4.689 149.76 6.100 7.282 190.30 -- 8.2353 --
Right Richard Freeman 5037 PRO -- .140 1.039 3.937 7.602 60.49 11.541 15.429 55.15 -- -- --

Matusek is making his NHRA Pro Stock debut. He is driving the Elite Mustang. He make a good clean pass to start the weekend. Freeman is in Brogdon car, because he couldn't make the race. He has severe tire shake right at the hit and clicks it off.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Joey Grose 703 PRO -- .087 1.035 3.545 6.675 70.97 10.020 13.297 65.52 -- -- --
Right Fernando Cuadra Jr WIN 406M PRO -- .057 1.041 2.971 4.595 152.00 5.990 7.158 193.65 -- 6.1691 --

Grose with tire shake right at the hit and clicks it off. Cuadra Jr. is straight down the groove with a nice pass to go to the number one spot. Fernando Cuadra Jr.'s incremental times: 60ft-1.041 sec., 330ft-2.971, 660ft-4.595/152.00 mph, 1,000ft-5.990.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Val Smeland 1465 PRO -- .132 1.022 2.949 4.569 152.42 5.959 7.127 192.52 -- -- --
Right Fernando Cuadra WIN 410M PRO -- .095 1.034 2.965 4.586 152.14 5.979 7.147 193.18 -- .0178 --

Smeland is straight down the groove to the number one spot. Val Smeland's incremental times: 60ft-1.022 sec., 330ft-2.949, 660ft-4.569/152.42 mph, 1,000ft-5.959. Cuadra is right there with him to go to the number two spot. Fernando Cuadra's incremental times: 60ft-1.034 sec., 330ft-2.965, 660ft-4.586/152.14 mph, 1,000ft-5.979.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Kenny Delco WIN 150 PRO -- .120 1.016 2.923 4.531 153.39 5.914 7.074 194.66 -- .1381 --
Right Chris McGaha 4264 PRO -- .240 1.015 2.928 4.540 152.68 5.928 7.092 194.46 -- -- --

This was a good side-by-side drag race. Delco goes to the number one spot. Kenny Delco's incremental times: 60ft-1.016 sec., 330ft-2.923, 660ft-4.531/153.39 mph, 1,000ft-5.914. McGaha was right there with him to the number two spot. Chris McGaha's incremental times: 60ft-1.015 sec., 330ft-2.928, 660ft-4.540/152.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.928.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Jeg Coughlin 2 PRO -- .072 1.013 2.925 4.532 153.21 5.920 7.083 194.16 -- -- --
Right Deric Kramer WIN 52 PRO -- .040 1.027 2.950 4.559 153.26 5.942 7.102 195.11 -- .0132 --

Coughlin with a good, clean pass to the number two spot. Jeg Coughlin's incremental times: 60ft-1.013 sec., 330ft-2.925, 660ft-4.532/153.21 mph, 1,000ft-5.920. Kramer at his home track starts the weekend with a nice pass. Deric Kramer's incremental times: 60ft-1.027 sec., 330ft-2.950, 660ft-4.559/153.26 mph, 1,000ft-5.942.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Erica Enders WIN 4 PRO -- .040 1.002 2.898 4.502 153.35 5.882 7.041 195.11 -- .7554 --
Right Matt Hartford 666 PRO -- .069 1.010 2.922 4.546 147.68 6.174 7.767 135.06 -- -- --

Enders launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number one spot. Erica Enders' incremental times: 60ft-1.002 sec., 330ft-2.898, 660ft-4.502/153.35 mph, 1,000ft-5.882. Hartford with trouble on the top end and pushed in the clutch.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Greg Anderson WIN 7 PRO -- .065 .999 2.894 4.495 153.09 5.878 7.039 194.49 -- .0161 --
Right Jason Line 5 PRO -- .084 1.002 2.904 4.505 154.03 5.882 7.036 196.22 -- -- --

This was a great side-by-side drag race. Anderson goes to the number two spot with a good pass. Greg Anderson's incremental times: 60ft-0.999 sec., 330ft-2.894, 660ft-4.495/153.09 mph, 1,000ft-5.878. Line with a great pass to go to the number one spot. He also has the fastest pass of the session. Jason Line's incremental times: 60ft-1.002 sec., 330ft-2.904, 660ft-4.505/154.03 mph, 1,000ft-5.882.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Alex Laughlin 40 PRO -- .106 .998 2.901 4.507 153.72 5.888 7.047 195.11 -- -- --
Right Bo Butner WIN 8 PRO -- .045 1.010 2.906 4.507 153.53 5.885 7.038 196.85 -- .0704 --

Laughlin with problems and they take the front end off. He gets whatever the problem was fixed and the car fired. He makes a good clean pass to go to the number five spot. Alex Laughlin's incremental times: 60ft-0.998 sec., 330ft-2.901, 660ft-4.507/153.72 mph, 1,000ft-5.888. Butner was straight down the groove to the number two spot. He runs top speed of the day. Bo Butner's incremental times: 60ft-1.010 sec., 330ft-2.906, 660ft-4.507/153.53 mph, 1,000ft-5.885.

Driver -- Cristian Cuadra W
Car #--409M
Dial In----
60 FT--1.038
330 FT--3.005
660 FT--4.660
660 MPH--148.84
1000 FT--6.087
ET -- 7.293
MPH -- 187.42
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- --
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 97 degrees, relative humidity 13 percent, barometer 24.14 inches, adjusted altitude 10,067 feet, track temperature 120 degrees. Cuadra is making his NHRA Pro Stock debut. He is straight down the groove with a good pass.

Driver Steve Matusek W Richard Freeman
Car #5455037
Dial In----
60 FT1.0531.039
330 FT3.0383.937
660 FT4.6897.602
660 MPH149.7660.49
1000 FT6.10011.541
ET 7.282 15.429
MPH 190.30 55.15
Ov/Un -- --
MOV 8.2353 --
First -- --

Matusek is making his NHRA Pro Stock debut. He is driving the Elite Mustang. He make a good clean pass to start the weekend. Freeman is in Brogdon car, because he couldn't make the race. He has severe tire shake right at the hit and clicks it off.

Driver Joey Grose Fernando Cuadra Jr W
Car #703406M
Dial In----
60 FT1.0351.041
330 FT3.5452.971
660 FT6.6754.595
660 MPH70.97152.00
1000 FT10.0205.990
ET 13.297 7.158
MPH 65.52 193.65
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- 6.1691
First -- --

Grose with tire shake right at the hit and clicks it off. Cuadra Jr. is straight down the groove with a nice pass to go to the number one spot. Fernando Cuadra Jr.'s incremental times: 60ft-1.041 sec., 330ft-2.971, 660ft-4.595/152.00 mph, 1,000ft-5.990.

Driver Val Smeland Fernando Cuadra W
Car #1465410M
Dial In----
60 FT1.0221.034
330 FT2.9492.965
660 FT4.5694.586
660 MPH152.42152.14
1000 FT5.9595.979
ET 7.127 7.147
MPH 192.52 193.18
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- .0178
First -- --

Smeland is straight down the groove to the number one spot. Val Smeland's incremental times: 60ft-1.022 sec., 330ft-2.949, 660ft-4.569/152.42 mph, 1,000ft-5.959. Cuadra is right there with him to go to the number two spot. Fernando Cuadra's incremental times: 60ft-1.034 sec., 330ft-2.965, 660ft-4.586/152.14 mph, 1,000ft-5.979.

Driver Kenny Delco W Chris McGaha
Car #1504264
Dial In----
60 FT1.0161.015
330 FT2.9232.928
660 FT4.5314.540
660 MPH153.39152.68
1000 FT5.9145.928
ET 7.074 7.092
MPH 194.66 194.46
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .1381 --
First -- --

This was a good side-by-side drag race. Delco goes to the number one spot. Kenny Delco's incremental times: 60ft-1.016 sec., 330ft-2.923, 660ft-4.531/153.39 mph, 1,000ft-5.914. McGaha was right there with him to the number two spot. Chris McGaha's incremental times: 60ft-1.015 sec., 330ft-2.928, 660ft-4.540/152.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.928.

Driver Jeg Coughlin Deric Kramer W
Car #252
Dial In----
60 FT1.0131.027
330 FT2.9252.950
660 FT4.5324.559
660 MPH153.21153.26
1000 FT5.9205.942
ET 7.083 7.102
MPH 194.16 195.11
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- .0132
First -- --

Coughlin with a good, clean pass to the number two spot. Jeg Coughlin's incremental times: 60ft-1.013 sec., 330ft-2.925, 660ft-4.532/153.21 mph, 1,000ft-5.920. Kramer at his home track starts the weekend with a nice pass. Deric Kramer's incremental times: 60ft-1.027 sec., 330ft-2.950, 660ft-4.559/153.26 mph, 1,000ft-5.942.

Driver Erica Enders W Matt Hartford
Car #4666
Dial In----
60 FT1.0021.010
330 FT2.8982.922
660 FT4.5024.546
660 MPH153.35147.68
1000 FT5.8826.174
ET 7.041 7.767
MPH 195.11 135.06
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .7554 --
First -- --

Enders launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number one spot. Erica Enders' incremental times: 60ft-1.002 sec., 330ft-2.898, 660ft-4.502/153.35 mph, 1,000ft-5.882. Hartford with trouble on the top end and pushed in the clutch.

Driver Greg Anderson W Jason Line
Car #75
Dial In----
60 FT.9991.002
330 FT2.8942.904
660 FT4.4954.505
660 MPH153.09154.03
1000 FT5.8785.882
ET 7.039 7.036
MPH 194.49 196.22
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .0161 --
First -- --

This was a great side-by-side drag race. Anderson goes to the number two spot with a good pass. Greg Anderson's incremental times: 60ft-0.999 sec., 330ft-2.894, 660ft-4.495/153.09 mph, 1,000ft-5.878. Line with a great pass to go to the number one spot. He also has the fastest pass of the session. Jason Line's incremental times: 60ft-1.002 sec., 330ft-2.904, 660ft-4.505/154.03 mph, 1,000ft-5.882.

Driver Alex Laughlin Bo Butner W
Car #408
Dial In----
60 FT.9981.010
330 FT2.9012.906
660 FT4.5074.507
660 MPH153.72153.53
1000 FT5.8885.885
ET 7.047 7.038
MPH 195.11 196.85
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- .0704
First -- --

Laughlin with problems and they take the front end off. He gets whatever the problem was fixed and the car fired. He makes a good clean pass to go to the number five spot. Alex Laughlin's incremental times: 60ft-0.998 sec., 330ft-2.901, 660ft-4.507/153.72 mph, 1,000ft-5.888. Butner was straight down the groove to the number two spot. He runs top speed of the day. Bo Butner's incremental times: 60ft-1.010 sec., 330ft-2.906, 660ft-4.507/153.53 mph, 1,000ft-5.885.