NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

Virginia NHRA Nationals

Virginia NHRA Nationals

  • May 17-19, 2019
  • Virginia Motorsports Park
  • 8018 Boydton Plank Road  North Dinwiddie, VA 23803

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Leah Pritchett 777 6 .101 .864 2.382 3.814 160.04 5.388 139.06 -- --
Right Antron Brown WIN 6 11 .064 .858 2.187 3.103 278.12 3.872 312.42 1.5534 --

Weather conditions: air temperature 89 degrees, relative humidity 54 percent, barometer 29.79 inches, adjusted altitude 3,058 feet, track temperature 123 degrees. Antron Brown's 488 round wins in Top Fuel are the second most among active Top Fuel drivers (Doug Kalitta - 663). Brown is 16 - 11 against Pritchett in prior events. Brown with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win as Pritchett was up in smoke right at the hit. Brown was straight down the groove with a good clean pass for the win.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Doug Kalitta 8 5 .057 .846 2.212 3.739 138.86 5.568 119.26 -- --
Right Scott Palmer WIN 10 12 .068 .869 2.204 3.119 280.08 3.869 322.58 1.6889 --

Doug Kalitta was runner-up here last year. Kalitta is 15 - 2 against Palmer in prior events. Kalitta with the starting line advantage, but was up in smoke right at the hit. Palmer with a good light and then runs his quickest pass of the weekend for the win.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Dan Mercier 182 16 .142 .885 2.252 3.327 211.89 4.525 183.49 -- --
Right Clay Millican WIN 25 1 .072 .854 2.165 3.068 283.67 3.814 320.97 .7812 --

Clay Millican is 19 - 1 in the first round when starting from the top spot. That's the good news. The bad news is that he has only gone on to win one race in 20 starts from the top spot. This is just the fifth start in Top fuel for Dan Mercier. This is the first time Mercier and Millican have faced each other in eliminations. Mercier rolls through the water on the burnout and doesn't smoke the tires... Millican with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He runs low E.T. of race day for the win. Mercier starts to smoke the tires around half track and clicks it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Cameron Ferre 748 15 .049 .931 2.303 3.417 211.99 4.466 215.20 -- --
Right Mike Salinas WIN 7211 2 .126 .841 2.152 3.061 281.71 3.813 319.60 .5768 --

This is the first time Ferre and Salinas have faced each other in eliminations. Ferre with the starting line advantage, but Salinas has the difference made up by the time they go by the Christmas tree and never trails from there on for the win. He runs low E.T. of race day for the win. Ferre starts to smoke the tires around half track and clicks it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Audrey Worm 1934 14 .175 .878 2.253 3.351 208.23 4.561 181.54 -- --
Right Brittany Force WIN 5 3 .077 .852 2.178 3.310 210.87 4.321 241.89 .3386 --

This is the second consecutive race where two women have met in the first round of Top Fuel. This is the 152nd race for Brittany Force while Audrey Worm is making just her 10th start. Force is 1 - 0 against Worm in prior events. Force with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. She started to haze the tires around half track, but stayed with it to get the win. Force will give up lane choice to Brown in the next round. Worm started to haze the tires early and pedaled, but couldn't get it to hook up.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Todd Paton 304 13 .122 .866 2.229 3.179 267.11 3.969 306.33 -- --
Right Steve Torrence WIN 1 4 .063 .856 2.185 3.096 280.89 3.845 321.73 .1831 --

Steve Torrence's win in Atlanta was his 29th in Top Fuel and that is 9th best overall in the history of the class and 18th overall in both fuel classes. He is the defending event champion. Todd Paton is making his 31st start in Top Fuel and it his first appearance of tour since the race in New Hampshire in 2016. This is the first time Paton and Torrence have faced each other in eliminations. Torrence with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He will have lane choice over Palmer in the next round. Patton with a good clean pass in the losing effort.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Austin Prock WIN 374 10 .067 .845 2.156 3.075 272.23 3.866 304.94 .0606 --
Right Richie Crampton 58 7 .092 .856 2.203 3.132 274.89 3.901 313.51 -- --

This is the first time Prock and Crampton have faced each other in eliminations. Prock with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Austin Prock's MOV: 0.0606 seconds (approximately 28 feet). He will give up lane choice to Salinas in the next round. Crampton with a good clean pass in the losing effort.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Billy Torrence WIN 474 9 .089 .862 2.186 3.132 255.77 3.983 282.48 .7853 --
Right Terry McMillen 21 8 .079 .857 2.270 3.447 189.71 4.778 164.11 -- --

Torrence and McMillen have each won 2 times against the other in prior events. McMillen with a slight starting line advantage, but Torrence has the lead around 150 feet and never trailed from there on for the win. Torrence started to haze the tires on the top end, but held on for the win. He will give up lane choice to Millican in the next round. McMillen started to haze the tires, he pedaled it, but couldn't get it to hook up.

Driver Leah Pritchett Antron Brown W
Car #7776
Q. Pos.611
60 FT.864.858
330 FT2.3822.187
660 FT3.8143.103
660 MPH160.04278.12
ET 5.388 3.872
MPH 139.06 312.42
MOV -- 1.5534
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 89 degrees, relative humidity 54 percent, barometer 29.79 inches, adjusted altitude 3,058 feet, track temperature 123 degrees. Antron Brown's 488 round wins in Top Fuel are the second most among active Top Fuel drivers (Doug Kalitta - 663). Brown is 16 - 11 against Pritchett in prior events. Brown with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win as Pritchett was up in smoke right at the hit. Brown was straight down the groove with a good clean pass for the win.

Driver Doug Kalitta Scott Palmer W
Car #810
Q. Pos.512
60 FT.846.869
330 FT2.2122.204
660 FT3.7393.119
660 MPH138.86280.08
ET 5.568 3.869
MPH 119.26 322.58
MOV -- 1.6889
First -- --

Doug Kalitta was runner-up here last year. Kalitta is 15 - 2 against Palmer in prior events. Kalitta with the starting line advantage, but was up in smoke right at the hit. Palmer with a good light and then runs his quickest pass of the weekend for the win.

Driver Dan Mercier Clay Millican W
Car #18225
Q. Pos.161
60 FT.885.854
330 FT2.2522.165
660 FT3.3273.068
660 MPH211.89283.67
ET 4.525 3.814
MPH 183.49 320.97
MOV -- .7812
First -- --

Clay Millican is 19 - 1 in the first round when starting from the top spot. That's the good news. The bad news is that he has only gone on to win one race in 20 starts from the top spot. This is just the fifth start in Top fuel for Dan Mercier. This is the first time Mercier and Millican have faced each other in eliminations. Mercier rolls through the water on the burnout and doesn't smoke the tires... Millican with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He runs low E.T. of race day for the win. Mercier starts to smoke the tires around half track and clicks it off.

Driver Cameron Ferre Mike Salinas W
Car #7487211
Q. Pos.152
60 FT.931.841
330 FT2.3032.152
660 FT3.4173.061
660 MPH211.99281.71
ET 4.466 3.813
MPH 215.20 319.60
MOV -- .5768
First -- --

This is the first time Ferre and Salinas have faced each other in eliminations. Ferre with the starting line advantage, but Salinas has the difference made up by the time they go by the Christmas tree and never trails from there on for the win. He runs low E.T. of race day for the win. Ferre starts to smoke the tires around half track and clicks it off.

Driver Audrey Worm Brittany Force W
Car #19345
Q. Pos.143
60 FT.878.852
330 FT2.2532.178
660 FT3.3513.310
660 MPH208.23210.87
ET 4.561 4.321
MPH 181.54 241.89
MOV -- .3386
First -- --

This is the second consecutive race where two women have met in the first round of Top Fuel. This is the 152nd race for Brittany Force while Audrey Worm is making just her 10th start. Force is 1 - 0 against Worm in prior events. Force with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. She started to haze the tires around half track, but stayed with it to get the win. Force will give up lane choice to Brown in the next round. Worm started to haze the tires early and pedaled, but couldn't get it to hook up.

Driver Todd Paton Steve Torrence W
Car #3041
Q. Pos.134
60 FT.866.856
330 FT2.2292.185
660 FT3.1793.096
660 MPH267.11280.89
ET 3.969 3.845
MPH 306.33 321.73
MOV -- .1831
First -- --

Steve Torrence's win in Atlanta was his 29th in Top Fuel and that is 9th best overall in the history of the class and 18th overall in both fuel classes. He is the defending event champion. Todd Paton is making his 31st start in Top Fuel and it his first appearance of tour since the race in New Hampshire in 2016. This is the first time Paton and Torrence have faced each other in eliminations. Torrence with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He will have lane choice over Palmer in the next round. Patton with a good clean pass in the losing effort.

Driver Austin Prock W Richie Crampton
Car #37458
Q. Pos.107
60 FT.845.856
330 FT2.1562.203
660 FT3.0753.132
660 MPH272.23274.89
ET 3.866 3.901
MPH 304.94 313.51
MOV .0606 --
First -- --

This is the first time Prock and Crampton have faced each other in eliminations. Prock with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Austin Prock's MOV: 0.0606 seconds (approximately 28 feet). He will give up lane choice to Salinas in the next round. Crampton with a good clean pass in the losing effort.

Driver Billy Torrence W Terry McMillen
Car #47421
Q. Pos.98
60 FT.862.857
330 FT2.1862.270
660 FT3.1323.447
660 MPH255.77189.71
ET 3.983 4.778
MPH 282.48 164.11
MOV .7853 --
First -- --

Torrence and McMillen have each won 2 times against the other in prior events. McMillen with a slight starting line advantage, but Torrence has the lead around 150 feet and never trailed from there on for the win. Torrence started to haze the tires on the top end, but held on for the win. He will give up lane choice to Millican in the next round. McMillen started to haze the tires, he pedaled it, but couldn't get it to hook up.