NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Summernationals

NHRA Summernationals

  • Jun 08-11, 2017
  • Old Bridge Township Raceway Park
  • 230 Pension Rd  Englishtown, NJ 07726

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Dom Lagana WIN 142 -- .076 .850 2.179 3.071 284.09 3.823 318.54 1.9565 --
Right Blake Alexander 256 13 .126 .872 2.298 3.863 135.82 5.729 116.80 -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 32 percent, barometer 29.69 inches, adjusted altitude 2,509 feet, track temperature 101 degrees. Lagana making his first pass this weekend and he launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number five spot. Dom Lagana's incremental times: 60ft-0.850 sec., 330ft-2.179, 660ft-3.071/284.09 mph. Alexander started to lose traction around 330 feet and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Doug Kalitta WIN 2 14 .064 .824 2.124 3.001 289.45 3.733 329.75 .0726 --
Right Tony Schumacher 8 11 .106 .846 2.147 3.025 289.32 3.763 323.19 -- --

This is a great side-by-side drag race... Kalitta launched hard and kept it hitting on all eight to go to the number one spot. Doug Kalitta's incremental times: 60ft-0.824 sec., 330ft-2.124, 660ft-3.001/289.45 mph. Schumacher was right there with him to go to the number two spot. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.846 sec., 330ft-2.147, 660ft-3.025/289.32 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Clay Millican WIN 25 14 .110 .850 2.145 3.028 285.29 3.786 314.53 -- --
Right -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Millican was scheduled to run along side Smax Smith who is sitting it out this session. Millican with the header flames becoming visible as the sun is starting to set. He had the header flames shooting over the rear wing all the way down the drag to go to the number five spot. Clay Millican's incremental times: 60ft-0.850 sec., 330ft-2.145, 660ft-3.028/285.29 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Shawn Langdon WIN 5 14 .085 .842 2.128 2.998 290.88 3.734 326.79 .0874 --
Right Troy Coughlin Jr 301 10 .088 .833 2.142 3.023 286.38 3.818 276.29 -- --

Langdon was straight down the groove to the number two spot, just a tick behind his teammate Kalitta. Shawn Langdon's incremental times: 60ft-0.842 sec., 330ft-2.128, 660ft-2.998/290.88 mph. Coughlin Jr. was on a great pass, but then got real loose and real close to the centerline. The word from the top end is he touched the centerline, but didn't cross it. Troy Coughlin Jr.'s incremental times: 60ft-0.833 sec., 330ft-2.142, 660ft-3.023/286.38 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Terry McMillen WIN 21 12 .079 .862 2.150 3.034 286.44 3.783 314.17 .0374 --
Right Scott Palmer 5050 11 .091 .838 2.158 3.057 283.19 3.808 320.97 -- --

McMillen with a real good pass, straight down the groove to get into the top half of the show. Terry McMillen's incremental times: 60ft-0.862 sec., 330ft-2.150, 660ft-3.034/286.44 mph. Palmer with another good looking pass until on the top end when it started mix up some cylinders. He still improves and moves up the ladder one spot. Scott Palmer's incremental times: 60ft-0.838 sec., 330ft-2.158, 660ft-3.057/283.19 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Leah Pritchett 777 8 .127 .836 2.152 3.412 167.63 4.953 139.83 -- --
Right Antron Brown WIN 1 9 .066 .844 2.119 2.981 291.95 3.713 329.42 1.3012 --

Pritchett is up in smoke early and clicks it off. Brown with header flames shooting high over the rear wing and keeps the Goodyears hooked up to go to the number one spot. Brown sets the track E.T. record, breaking his own record from 2015. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.844 sec., 330ft-2.119, 660ft-2.981/291.95 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Steve Torrence WIN 3 5 .065 .829 2.116 2.988 290.63 3.725 326.40 8.0411 --
Right Brittany Force 6 6 .160 1.254 4.502 7.920 69.34 11.671 53.66 -- --

Torrence launched hard with the front end in the air and kept it hooked up to go to the number two spot. Steve Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.829 sec., 330ft-2.116, 660ft-2.988/290.63 mph. Force's car doesn't move when the light turns green and she coasted on down the track.

Driver Dom Lagana W Blake Alexander
Car #142256
Q. Pos.--13
60 FT.850.872
330 FT2.1792.298
660 FT3.0713.863
660 MPH284.09135.82
ET 3.823 5.729
MPH 318.54 116.80
MOV 1.9565 --
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 32 percent, barometer 29.69 inches, adjusted altitude 2,509 feet, track temperature 101 degrees. Lagana making his first pass this weekend and he launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number five spot. Dom Lagana's incremental times: 60ft-0.850 sec., 330ft-2.179, 660ft-3.071/284.09 mph. Alexander started to lose traction around 330 feet and clicked it off.

Driver Doug Kalitta W Tony Schumacher
Car #28
Q. Pos.1411
60 FT.824.846
330 FT2.1242.147
660 FT3.0013.025
660 MPH289.45289.32
ET 3.733 3.763
MPH 329.75 323.19
MOV .0726 --
First -- --

This is a great side-by-side drag race... Kalitta launched hard and kept it hitting on all eight to go to the number one spot. Doug Kalitta's incremental times: 60ft-0.824 sec., 330ft-2.124, 660ft-3.001/289.45 mph. Schumacher was right there with him to go to the number two spot. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.846 sec., 330ft-2.147, 660ft-3.025/289.32 mph.

Driver Clay Millican W --
Car #25--
Q. Pos.14--
60 FT.850--
330 FT2.145--
660 FT3.028--
660 MPH285.29--
ET 3.786 --
MPH 314.53 --
MOV -- W --
First -- --

Millican was scheduled to run along side Smax Smith who is sitting it out this session. Millican with the header flames becoming visible as the sun is starting to set. He had the header flames shooting over the rear wing all the way down the drag to go to the number five spot. Clay Millican's incremental times: 60ft-0.850 sec., 330ft-2.145, 660ft-3.028/285.29 mph.

Driver Shawn Langdon W Troy Coughlin Jr
Car #5301
Q. Pos.1410
60 FT.842.833
330 FT2.1282.142
660 FT2.9983.023
660 MPH290.88286.38
ET 3.734 3.818
MPH 326.79 276.29
MOV .0874 --
First -- --

Langdon was straight down the groove to the number two spot, just a tick behind his teammate Kalitta. Shawn Langdon's incremental times: 60ft-0.842 sec., 330ft-2.128, 660ft-2.998/290.88 mph. Coughlin Jr. was on a great pass, but then got real loose and real close to the centerline. The word from the top end is he touched the centerline, but didn't cross it. Troy Coughlin Jr.'s incremental times: 60ft-0.833 sec., 330ft-2.142, 660ft-3.023/286.38 mph.

Driver Terry McMillen W Scott Palmer
Car #215050
Q. Pos.1211
60 FT.862.838
330 FT2.1502.158
660 FT3.0343.057
660 MPH286.44283.19
ET 3.783 3.808
MPH 314.17 320.97
MOV .0374 --
First -- --

McMillen with a real good pass, straight down the groove to get into the top half of the show. Terry McMillen's incremental times: 60ft-0.862 sec., 330ft-2.150, 660ft-3.034/286.44 mph. Palmer with another good looking pass until on the top end when it started mix up some cylinders. He still improves and moves up the ladder one spot. Scott Palmer's incremental times: 60ft-0.838 sec., 330ft-2.158, 660ft-3.057/283.19 mph.

Driver Leah Pritchett Antron Brown W
Car #7771
Q. Pos.89
60 FT.836.844
330 FT2.1522.119
660 FT3.4122.981
660 MPH167.63291.95
ET 4.953 3.713
MPH 139.83 329.42
MOV -- 1.3012
First -- --

Pritchett is up in smoke early and clicks it off. Brown with header flames shooting high over the rear wing and keeps the Goodyears hooked up to go to the number one spot. Brown sets the track E.T. record, breaking his own record from 2015. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.844 sec., 330ft-2.119, 660ft-2.981/291.95 mph.

Driver Steve Torrence W Brittany Force
Car #36
Q. Pos.56
60 FT.8291.254
330 FT2.1164.502
660 FT2.9887.920
660 MPH290.6369.34
ET 3.725 11.671
MPH 326.40 53.66
MOV 8.0411 --
First -- --

Torrence launched hard with the front end in the air and kept it hooked up to go to the number two spot. Steve Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.829 sec., 330ft-2.116, 660ft-2.988/290.63 mph. Force's car doesn't move when the light turns green and she coasted on down the track.