NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Winternationals

NHRA Winternationals

  • Feb 08-11, 2018
  • In-N-Out Burger Pomona Dragstrip
  • 2780 Fairplex Dr  Pomona, CA 91768

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Bo Butner WIN 1 PRO -- .047 .986 2.748 4.221 167.61 5.495 6.569 209.04 -- -- --
Right -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 62 degrees, relative humidity 61 percent, barometer 28.79 inches, adjusted altitude 2,068 feet, track temperature 76 degrees. Butner launched hard and kept it hooked up to tie Skillman's E.T., but Skillman will hold on to the number one spot based on his faster mph. Bo Butner's incremental times: 60ft-0.986 sec., 330ft-2.748, 660ft-4.221/167.61 mph, 1,000ft-5.495.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Joey Grose WIN 703 PRO -- -.019 1.023 2.823 4.320 165.21 5.612 6.699 207.46 -- -- --
Right -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Grose improves to move up the ladder one spot. Joey Grose's incremental times: 60ft-1.023 sec., 330ft-2.823, 660ft-4.320/165.21 mph, 1,000ft-5.612.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Steve Graham 799 PRO -- .044 .994 2.777 4.263 166.19 5.542 6.621 208.30 -- -- --
Right Tanner Gray WIN 15 PRO -- .003 1.004 2.786 4.265 166.68 5.540 6.615 209.98 -- .0479 --

Graham moves up th ladder one spot. Steve Graham's incremental times: 60ft-0.994 sec., 330ft-2.777, 660ft-4.263/166.19 mph, 1,000ft-5.542. Gray is just a few ticks off his time from yesterday...Tanner Gray's incremental times: 60ft-1.004 sec., 330ft-2.786, 660ft-4.265/166.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.540.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Jeg Coughlin WIN 7 PRO -- .045 1.003 2.770 4.244 166.76 5.520 6.596 208.46 -- .0032 --
Right Erica Enders 6 PRO -- .067 .986 2.753 4.226 166.68 5.501 6.577 209.14 -- -- --

Coughlin makes a little improvement, but stays in the number seven spot. Jeg Coughlin's incremental times: 60ft-1.003 sec., 330ft-2.770, 660ft-4.244/166.76 mph, 1,000ft-5.520. Enders launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number three spot. Erica Enders' incremental times: 60ft-0.986 sec., 330ft-2.753, 660ft-4.226/166.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.501.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Deric Kramer WIN 52 PRO -- .046 .981 2.753 4.232 166.48 5.507 6.580 209.75 -- .1142 --
Right Kenny Delco 150 PRO -- .091 .983 2.765 4.263 163.77 5.558 6.649 206.99 -- -- --

Kramer was straight down the groove to go to the number four spot. Deric Kramer's incremental times: 60ft-0.981 sec., 330ft-2.753, 660ft-4.232/166.48 mph, 1,000ft-5.507. Delco with a nice pass after struggling yesterday. Kenny Delco's incremental times: 60ft-0.983 sec., 330ft-2.765, 660ft-4.263/163.77 mph, 1,000ft-5.558.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Alex Laughlin WIN 40 PRO -- -.003 .975 2.739 4.214 166.76 5.486 6.558 208.97 -- .4726 --
Right Alan Prusiensky 106 PRO -- .067 .993 2.970 4.521 159.97 5.841 6.960 195.82 -- -- --

Laughlin with a great pass, straight down the groove to the number one spot. Alex Laughlin's incremental times: 60ft-0.975 sec., 330ft-2.739, 660ft-4.214/166.76 mph, 1,000ft-5.486. Prusiensky clicked it off early and will not improve.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Jason Line WIN 3 PRO -- .046 .966 2.728 4.203 166.93 5.480 6.557 208.26 -- .2357 --
Right Val Smeland 1465 PRO -- .093 1.004 2.820 4.337 162.90 5.644 6.745 205.44 -- -- --

Line launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number one spot. Jason Line's incremental times: 60ft-0.966 sec., 330ft-2.728, 660ft-4.203/166.93 mph, 1,000ft-5.480. No help for Smeland and he will say in the number 14 spot.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Vincent Nobile WIN 10 PRO -- .030 .970 2.726 4.195 167.55 5.462 6.529 210.41 -- .0391 --
Right Greg Anderson 2 PRO -- .035 .976 2.744 4.220 166.68 5.492 6.563 211.30 -- -- --

Nobile with a great pass, he was straight down the groove to the number one spot. Vincent Nobile's incremental times: 60ft-0.970 sec., 330ft-2.726, 660ft-4.195/167.55 mph, 1,000ft-5.462. Anderson with his quickest pass of the weekend to move up the ladder to the number four spot. Greg Anderson's incremental times: 60ft-0.976 sec., 330ft-2.744, 660ft-4.220/166.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.492.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Drew Skillman WIN 5 PRO -- .021 .980 2.743 4.215 167.38 5.481 6.547 210.54 -- 8.1064 --
Right Chris McGaha 9 PRO -- -.012 1.006 3.804 7.323 63.17 11.062 14.686 59.60 -- -- --

Skillman is straight down the groove to go to the number two spot. Drew Skillman's incremental times: 60ft-0.980 sec., 330ft-2.743, 660ft-4.215/167.38 mph, 1,000ft-5.481. McGaha with severe tire shake right at the hit and clicked it off.

Driver Bo Butner W --
Car #1--
Dial In----
60 FT.986--
330 FT2.748--
660 FT4.221--
660 MPH167.61--
1000 FT5.495--
ET 6.569 --
MPH 209.04 --
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- --
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 62 degrees, relative humidity 61 percent, barometer 28.79 inches, adjusted altitude 2,068 feet, track temperature 76 degrees. Butner launched hard and kept it hooked up to tie Skillman's E.T., but Skillman will hold on to the number one spot based on his faster mph. Bo Butner's incremental times: 60ft-0.986 sec., 330ft-2.748, 660ft-4.221/167.61 mph, 1,000ft-5.495.

Driver Joey Grose W --
Car #703--
Dial In----
60 FT1.023--
330 FT2.823--
660 FT4.320--
660 MPH165.21--
1000 FT5.612--
ET 6.699 --
MPH 207.46 --
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- --
First -- --

Grose improves to move up the ladder one spot. Joey Grose's incremental times: 60ft-1.023 sec., 330ft-2.823, 660ft-4.320/165.21 mph, 1,000ft-5.612.

Driver Steve Graham Tanner Gray W
Car #79915
Dial In----
60 FT.9941.004
330 FT2.7772.786
660 FT4.2634.265
660 MPH166.19166.68
1000 FT5.5425.540
ET 6.621 6.615
MPH 208.30 209.98
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- .0479
First -- --

Graham moves up th ladder one spot. Steve Graham's incremental times: 60ft-0.994 sec., 330ft-2.777, 660ft-4.263/166.19 mph, 1,000ft-5.542. Gray is just a few ticks off his time from yesterday...Tanner Gray's incremental times: 60ft-1.004 sec., 330ft-2.786, 660ft-4.265/166.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.540.

Driver Jeg Coughlin W Erica Enders
Car #76
Dial In----
60 FT1.003.986
330 FT2.7702.753
660 FT4.2444.226
660 MPH166.76166.68
1000 FT5.5205.501
ET 6.596 6.577
MPH 208.46 209.14
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .0032 --
First -- --

Coughlin makes a little improvement, but stays in the number seven spot. Jeg Coughlin's incremental times: 60ft-1.003 sec., 330ft-2.770, 660ft-4.244/166.76 mph, 1,000ft-5.520. Enders launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number three spot. Erica Enders' incremental times: 60ft-0.986 sec., 330ft-2.753, 660ft-4.226/166.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.501.

Driver Deric Kramer W Kenny Delco
Car #52150
Dial In----
60 FT.981.983
330 FT2.7532.765
660 FT4.2324.263
660 MPH166.48163.77
1000 FT5.5075.558
ET 6.580 6.649
MPH 209.75 206.99
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .1142 --
First -- --

Kramer was straight down the groove to go to the number four spot. Deric Kramer's incremental times: 60ft-0.981 sec., 330ft-2.753, 660ft-4.232/166.48 mph, 1,000ft-5.507. Delco with a nice pass after struggling yesterday. Kenny Delco's incremental times: 60ft-0.983 sec., 330ft-2.765, 660ft-4.263/163.77 mph, 1,000ft-5.558.

Driver Alex Laughlin W Alan Prusiensky
Car #40106
Dial In----
60 FT.975.993
330 FT2.7392.970
660 FT4.2144.521
660 MPH166.76159.97
1000 FT5.4865.841
ET 6.558 6.960
MPH 208.97 195.82
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .4726 --
First -- --

Laughlin with a great pass, straight down the groove to the number one spot. Alex Laughlin's incremental times: 60ft-0.975 sec., 330ft-2.739, 660ft-4.214/166.76 mph, 1,000ft-5.486. Prusiensky clicked it off early and will not improve.

Driver Jason Line W Val Smeland
Car #31465
Dial In----
60 FT.9661.004
330 FT2.7282.820
660 FT4.2034.337
660 MPH166.93162.90
1000 FT5.4805.644
ET 6.557 6.745
MPH 208.26 205.44
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .2357 --
First -- --

Line launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number one spot. Jason Line's incremental times: 60ft-0.966 sec., 330ft-2.728, 660ft-4.203/166.93 mph, 1,000ft-5.480. No help for Smeland and he will say in the number 14 spot.

Driver Vincent Nobile W Greg Anderson
Car #102
Dial In----
60 FT.970.976
330 FT2.7262.744
660 FT4.1954.220
660 MPH167.55166.68
1000 FT5.4625.492
ET 6.529 6.563
MPH 210.41 211.30
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .0391 --
First -- --

Nobile with a great pass, he was straight down the groove to the number one spot. Vincent Nobile's incremental times: 60ft-0.970 sec., 330ft-2.726, 660ft-4.195/167.55 mph, 1,000ft-5.462. Anderson with his quickest pass of the weekend to move up the ladder to the number four spot. Greg Anderson's incremental times: 60ft-0.976 sec., 330ft-2.744, 660ft-4.220/166.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.492.

Driver Drew Skillman W Chris McGaha
Car #59
Dial In----
60 FT.9801.006
330 FT2.7433.804
660 FT4.2157.323
660 MPH167.3863.17
1000 FT5.48111.062
ET 6.547 14.686
MPH 210.54 59.60
Ov/Un -- --
MOV 8.1064 --
First -- --

Skillman is straight down the groove to go to the number two spot. Drew Skillman's incremental times: 60ft-0.980 sec., 330ft-2.743, 660ft-4.215/167.38 mph, 1,000ft-5.481. McGaha with severe tire shake right at the hit and clicked it off.