NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Winternationals

NHRA Winternationals

  • Feb 08-11, 2018
  • In-N-Out Burger Pomona Dragstrip
  • 2780 Fairplex Dr  Pomona, CA 91768

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Del Worsham 750 7 .126 .879 2.749 5.124 96.21 7.619 89.38 -- --
Right Brandon Welch WIN 714 19 .130 .935 2.472 4.231 121.37 6.313 105.60 1.3026 --

1:06 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 63 degrees, relative humidity 60 percent, barometer 28.76 inches, adjusted altitude 2,153 feet, track temperature 79 degrees. Jack Beckman is number one at 3.860 and John Force is on the bump spot at 4.139. Odd little short burnout for Welsh. Both cars shake and knock the tires loose. Worsham first, quickly followed by Welsh.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Shawn Langdon 333 9 .063 .866 2.952 5.633 84.93 8.442 79.31 -- --
Right Gary Densham WIN 782 -- .150 .896 2.658 4.540 118.95 6.607 106.81 1.7488 --

It's been a tough weekend for Densham with both qualifying passes yesterday not even getting to the line. Both the clutch pedal and reverser broke. His issues continue, as he has to give up way early with a lot of tire shake. Langdon was away first and shakes first!

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Robert Hight 1 4 .088 .866 2.729 5.220 85.91 7.950 86.57 -- --
Right Tim Wilkerson WIN 8 13 .117 .875 2.256 3.154 288.39 3.886 327.43 4.0357 --

Hight has shake and spin problems too and is coasting early. Wilkerson was on a strong pass until after the 660 lights and then has the pipes go wet right before the lights. That is good enough to move him nine spots up the ladder into the top four for now. That pushes Hight back to #5. Tim Wilkerson's incremental times: 60ft-0.875 sec., 330ft-2.256, 660ft-3.154/288.39 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jonnie Lindberg WIN 801 12 .437 .883 2.905 5.617 81.45 8.515 75.33 5.7981 --
Right Richard Townsend 7900 17 -.298 2.791 7.920 11.697 67.81 15.048 65.27 -- --

Two broken passes. Townsend sounded like he did a double pump at the green and he coasted on down. Lindberg gets a few feet out and shakes and spins. He coasts on down too.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Bob Bode 340 18 .126 1.494 5.384 8.548 78.64 11.316 83.57 -- --
Right James Campbell WIN 703 15 .148 .902 2.755 5.191 87.03 7.931 83.71 3.3632 --

Two more broken passes. Bode is loose right off the line and Campbell gets out past the tree before shaking the tires loose.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left John Force WIN 7 16 .092 .883 2.263 3.181 282.60 3.937 314.75 3.8819 --
Right Jeff Diehl 717 14 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

After yesterday "Big Boomer", the Force Team pulled a brand new race car out of the top of the trailer and got it ready for John to run today! It looks like the same wrap to me! Diehl's engine goes quiet at the end of burnout and he pulls the Camry right over to the wall and jumps over the wall. Force gets down the track without any drama, but the header flames looked a little goofy! He gets to the finish line and moves off the bump and into the current top half of the field for now. After the lights, the engine expires and puts a bunch of "Stuff" on the track. John Force was charged with an oildown, #2 for the season. That will cost 10 points and $2K. John Force's incremental times: 60ft-0.883 sec., 330ft-2.263, 660ft-3.181/282.60 mph. 1:26 p.m. Clean up after the finish line.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Robert Tasca WIN 77 14 .107 .887 2.276 3.458 186.46 4.786 166.93 2.9632 --
Right Tommy Johnson 6 7 .104 .880 2.641 4.976 90.78 7.752 82.70 -- --

1:35 p.m. Back to qualifying. Jim Campbell is on the bump spot at 4.130. Another pair of broken runs.Johnson shakes the tires loose and Tasca drives into smoke down track. Both cars are already qualified.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left J.R. Todd 373 12 .071 .875 2.855 5.518 81.07 8.303 85.59 -- --
Right Cruz Pedregon WIN 71 6 .092 .874 2.822 5.403 87.01 8.109 82.77 .1733 --

Wow! Actual sunshine on the race track! Nice change... Both cars leave together, run to just past the 60 foot lights together, and shake the tires loose together. Sixty foot numbers just 0.001 apart!

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Courtney Force WIN 3 10 .092 .867 2.229 3.140 286.19 3.877 321.12 .3681 --
Right Ron Capps 28 3 .089 .871 2.238 3.219 239.44 4.248 216.27 -- --

They leave almost together and run side by side to right before the 660 lights. Capps' NAPA Charger starts to spin the tires and he has to lift. Force powers on down to the finish line and moves seven spots up the ladder into the current top three. That pushes Capps back to #4. Courtney Force's incremental times: 60ft-0.867 sec., 330ft-2.229, 660ft-3.140/286.19 mph. Ron Capps' incremental times: 60ft-0.871 sec., 330ft-2.238, 660ft-3.219/239.44 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Matt Hagan WIN 5 2 .081 .878 2.224 3.126 286.86 3.859 331.20 .0122 --
Right Jack Beckman 4 1 .089 .868 2.221 3.128 285.35 3.863 332.43 -- --

We finally get a pair to run side by side from start to finish. Hagan gets away first by just 0.008 seconds and just holds off Capps to take over the new top spot for the session. Beckman swaps spots with Hagan on another great pass to finish the session in the second spot. Two great looking passes. Matt Hagan's incremental times: 60ft-0.878 sec., 330ft-2.224, 660ft-3.126/286.86 mph. Jack Beckman's incremental times: 60ft-0.868 sec., 330ft-2.221, 660ft-3.128/285.35 mph.

Driver Del Worsham Brandon Welch W
Car #750714
Q. Pos.719
60 FT.879.935
330 FT2.7492.472
660 FT5.1244.231
660 MPH96.21121.37
ET 7.619 6.313
MPH 89.38 105.60
MOV -- 1.3026
First -- --

1:06 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 63 degrees, relative humidity 60 percent, barometer 28.76 inches, adjusted altitude 2,153 feet, track temperature 79 degrees. Jack Beckman is number one at 3.860 and John Force is on the bump spot at 4.139. Odd little short burnout for Welsh. Both cars shake and knock the tires loose. Worsham first, quickly followed by Welsh.

Driver Shawn Langdon Gary Densham W
Car #333782
Q. Pos.9--
60 FT.866.896
330 FT2.9522.658
660 FT5.6334.540
660 MPH84.93118.95
ET 8.442 6.607
MPH 79.31 106.81
MOV -- 1.7488
First -- --

It's been a tough weekend for Densham with both qualifying passes yesterday not even getting to the line. Both the clutch pedal and reverser broke. His issues continue, as he has to give up way early with a lot of tire shake. Langdon was away first and shakes first!

Driver Robert Hight Tim Wilkerson W
Car #18
Q. Pos.413
60 FT.866.875
330 FT2.7292.256
660 FT5.2203.154
660 MPH85.91288.39
ET 7.950 3.886
MPH 86.57 327.43
MOV -- 4.0357
First -- --

Hight has shake and spin problems too and is coasting early. Wilkerson was on a strong pass until after the 660 lights and then has the pipes go wet right before the lights. That is good enough to move him nine spots up the ladder into the top four for now. That pushes Hight back to #5. Tim Wilkerson's incremental times: 60ft-0.875 sec., 330ft-2.256, 660ft-3.154/288.39 mph.

Driver Jonnie Lindberg W Richard Townsend
Car #8017900
Q. Pos.1217
60 FT.8832.791
330 FT2.9057.920
660 FT5.61711.697
660 MPH81.4567.81
ET 8.515 15.048
MPH 75.33 65.27
MOV 5.7981 --
First -- --

Two broken passes. Townsend sounded like he did a double pump at the green and he coasted on down. Lindberg gets a few feet out and shakes and spins. He coasts on down too.

Driver Bob Bode James Campbell W
Car #340703
Q. Pos.1815
60 FT1.494.902
330 FT5.3842.755
660 FT8.5485.191
660 MPH78.6487.03
ET 11.316 7.931
MPH 83.57 83.71
MOV -- 3.3632
First -- --

Two more broken passes. Bode is loose right off the line and Campbell gets out past the tree before shaking the tires loose.

Driver John Force W Jeff Diehl
Car #7717
Q. Pos.1614
60 FT.883--
330 FT2.263--
660 FT3.181--
660 MPH282.60--
ET 3.937 --
MPH 314.75 --
MOV 3.8819 --
First -- --

After yesterday "Big Boomer", the Force Team pulled a brand new race car out of the top of the trailer and got it ready for John to run today! It looks like the same wrap to me! Diehl's engine goes quiet at the end of burnout and he pulls the Camry right over to the wall and jumps over the wall. Force gets down the track without any drama, but the header flames looked a little goofy! He gets to the finish line and moves off the bump and into the current top half of the field for now. After the lights, the engine expires and puts a bunch of "Stuff" on the track. John Force was charged with an oildown, #2 for the season. That will cost 10 points and $2K. John Force's incremental times: 60ft-0.883 sec., 330ft-2.263, 660ft-3.181/282.60 mph. 1:26 p.m. Clean up after the finish line.

Driver Robert Tasca W Tommy Johnson
Car #776
Q. Pos.147
60 FT.887.880
330 FT2.2762.641
660 FT3.4584.976
660 MPH186.4690.78
ET 4.786 7.752
MPH 166.93 82.70
MOV 2.9632 --
First -- --

1:35 p.m. Back to qualifying. Jim Campbell is on the bump spot at 4.130. Another pair of broken runs.Johnson shakes the tires loose and Tasca drives into smoke down track. Both cars are already qualified.

Driver J.R. Todd Cruz Pedregon W
Car #37371
Q. Pos.126
60 FT.875.874
330 FT2.8552.822
660 FT5.5185.403
660 MPH81.0787.01
ET 8.303 8.109
MPH 85.59 82.77
MOV -- .1733
First -- --

Wow! Actual sunshine on the race track! Nice change... Both cars leave together, run to just past the 60 foot lights together, and shake the tires loose together. Sixty foot numbers just 0.001 apart!

Driver Courtney Force W Ron Capps
Car #328
Q. Pos.103
60 FT.867.871
330 FT2.2292.238
660 FT3.1403.219
660 MPH286.19239.44
ET 3.877 4.248
MPH 321.12 216.27
MOV .3681 --
First -- --

They leave almost together and run side by side to right before the 660 lights. Capps' NAPA Charger starts to spin the tires and he has to lift. Force powers on down to the finish line and moves seven spots up the ladder into the current top three. That pushes Capps back to #4. Courtney Force's incremental times: 60ft-0.867 sec., 330ft-2.229, 660ft-3.140/286.19 mph. Ron Capps' incremental times: 60ft-0.871 sec., 330ft-2.238, 660ft-3.219/239.44 mph.

Driver Matt Hagan W Jack Beckman
Car #54
Q. Pos.21
60 FT.878.868
330 FT2.2242.221
660 FT3.1263.128
660 MPH286.86285.35
ET 3.859 3.863
MPH 331.20 332.43
MOV .0122 --
First -- --

We finally get a pair to run side by side from start to finish. Hagan gets away first by just 0.008 seconds and just holds off Capps to take over the new top spot for the session. Beckman swaps spots with Hagan on another great pass to finish the session in the second spot. Two great looking passes. Matt Hagan's incremental times: 60ft-0.878 sec., 330ft-2.224, 660ft-3.126/286.86 mph. Jack Beckman's incremental times: 60ft-0.868 sec., 330ft-2.221, 660ft-3.128/285.35 mph.