NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Springnationals

NHRA Springnationals

  • Apr 21-23, 2017
  • Houston Raceway Park
  • 2525 South FM 565 Baytown, TX 77523

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Bob Vandergriff 12 -- .094 .866 2.188 3.095 278.58 3.862 315.42 -- --
Right Shawn Langdon WIN 5 -- .047 .849 2.155 3.060 281.25 3.825 314.53 .0840 --

Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 61 percent, barometer 29.79 inches, adjusted altitude 2,807 feet, track temperature 118 degrees. Vandergriff is back behind the wheel of a Top Fueler for the first time since Pomona 2 of 2014. Langdon is making his season debut and his debut with a new team as he is now apart of the Kalitta Motorsports team. They both launch hard and an are straight down the groove to make good looking passes. Bob Vandergriff's incremental times: 60ft-0.866 sec., 330ft-2.188, 660ft-3.095/278.58 mph. Shawn Langdon's incremental times: 60ft-0.849 sec., 330ft-2.155, 660ft-3.060/281.25 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Right Steve Chrisman WIN 700 -- .119 .890 2.349 3.922 136.81 5.767 119.17 -- --

Chrisman started to shake the tires and then mixed up cylinders before he clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Troy Buff 497 -- .167 .835 2.816 5.327 85.65 8.522 64.53 -- --
Right Shawn Reed WIN 614 -- .093 .876 2.232 3.235 226.66 4.361 194.18 4.2355 --

Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 61 percent, barometer 29.79 inches, adjusted altitude 2,807 feet, track temperature 118 degrees. Vandergriff is back behind the wheel of a Top Fueler for the first time since Pomona 2 of 2014. Langdon is making his season debut and his debut with a new team as he is now apart of the Kalitta Motorsports team. They both launch hard and an are straight down the groove to make good looking passes. Bob Vandergriff's incremental times: 60ft-0.866 sec., 330ft-2.188, 660ft-3.095/278.58 mph. Shawn Langdon's incremental times: 60ft-0.849 sec., 330ft-2.155, 660ft-3.060/281.25 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Scott Palmer 5050 -- .080 .857 2.185 3.269 203.19 4.518 175.27 -- --
Right Terry McMillen WIN 21 -- .087 .883 2.231 3.193 237.55 4.254 208.04 .2575 --

Palmer is dropping cylinders right at the hit and clicks it off. McMillen drops a cylinder or two right at the hit and clicks it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Troy Coughlin Jr 301 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Right Clay Millican WIN 25 -- .124 .859 2.153 3.047 284.21 3.800 318.09 5.4245 --

Coughlin with problems on the burnout and then as he is started to stage the car rolls through the beams. Millican launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number one spot. Clay Millican's incremental times: 60ft-0.859 sec., 330ft-2.153, 660ft-3.047/284.21 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Steve Torrence WIN 3 -- .064 .842 2.140 3.097 251.30 3.980 258.52 .5346 --
Right Brittany Force 6 -- .097 .843 2.152 3.227 203.00 4.481 174.64 -- --

Torrence was on a good pass and then the car started to eat up the blower belt. Force started to haze the tires and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Doug Kalitta 2 -- .070 .843 2.155 3.206 209.17 4.419 180.91 -- --
Right Antron Brown WIN 1 -- .072 .845 2.136 3.028 286.25 3.784 318.47 .6336 --

Kalitta was on a good pass until around half track when it started to haze the tires and he clicked it off. Brown launched hard and kept the Goodyears stuck and hitting on all eight to go to the number one spot. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.845 sec., 330ft-2.136, 660ft-3.028/286.25 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Leah Pritchett WIN 777 -- .073 .846 2.137 3.013 290.88 3.747 326.87 4.9787 --
Right Tony Schumacher 8 -- .147 2.652 9.346 14.402 50.99 18.651 57.34 -- --

Pritchett with a great looking pass, hitting on all eight all the way down the track to go to the number one spot. Leah Pritchett's incremental times: 60ft-0.846 sec., 330ft-2.137, 660ft-3.013/290.88 mph. Schumacher's car did move when the light turned green and then he coast on down the track

Driver Bob Vandergriff Shawn Langdon W
Car #125
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.866.849
330 FT2.1882.155
660 FT3.0953.060
660 MPH278.58281.25
ET 3.862 3.825
MPH 315.42 314.53
MOV -- .0840
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 61 percent, barometer 29.79 inches, adjusted altitude 2,807 feet, track temperature 118 degrees. Vandergriff is back behind the wheel of a Top Fueler for the first time since Pomona 2 of 2014. Langdon is making his season debut and his debut with a new team as he is now apart of the Kalitta Motorsports team. They both launch hard and an are straight down the groove to make good looking passes. Bob Vandergriff's incremental times: 60ft-0.866 sec., 330ft-2.188, 660ft-3.095/278.58 mph. Shawn Langdon's incremental times: 60ft-0.849 sec., 330ft-2.155, 660ft-3.060/281.25 mph.

Driver -- Steve Chrisman W
Car #--700
Q. Pos.----
60 FT--.890
330 FT--2.349
660 FT--3.922
660 MPH--136.81
ET -- 5.767
MPH -- 119.17
MOV -- --
First -- --

Chrisman started to shake the tires and then mixed up cylinders before he clicked it off.

Driver Troy Buff Shawn Reed W
Car #497614
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.835.876
330 FT2.8162.232
660 FT5.3273.235
660 MPH85.65226.66
ET 8.522 4.361
MPH 64.53 194.18
MOV -- 4.2355
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 61 percent, barometer 29.79 inches, adjusted altitude 2,807 feet, track temperature 118 degrees. Vandergriff is back behind the wheel of a Top Fueler for the first time since Pomona 2 of 2014. Langdon is making his season debut and his debut with a new team as he is now apart of the Kalitta Motorsports team. They both launch hard and an are straight down the groove to make good looking passes. Bob Vandergriff's incremental times: 60ft-0.866 sec., 330ft-2.188, 660ft-3.095/278.58 mph. Shawn Langdon's incremental times: 60ft-0.849 sec., 330ft-2.155, 660ft-3.060/281.25 mph.

Driver Scott Palmer Terry McMillen W
Car #505021
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.857.883
330 FT2.1852.231
660 FT3.2693.193
660 MPH203.19237.55
ET 4.518 4.254
MPH 175.27 208.04
MOV -- .2575
First -- --

Palmer is dropping cylinders right at the hit and clicks it off. McMillen drops a cylinder or two right at the hit and clicks it off.

Driver Troy Coughlin Jr Clay Millican W
Car #30125
Q. Pos.----
60 FT--.859
330 FT--2.153
660 FT--3.047
660 MPH--284.21
ET -- 3.800
MPH -- 318.09
MOV -- 5.4245
First -- --

Coughlin with problems on the burnout and then as he is started to stage the car rolls through the beams. Millican launched hard and kept it hooked up to go to the number one spot. Clay Millican's incremental times: 60ft-0.859 sec., 330ft-2.153, 660ft-3.047/284.21 mph.

Driver Steve Torrence W Brittany Force
Car #36
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.842.843
330 FT2.1402.152
660 FT3.0973.227
660 MPH251.30203.00
ET 3.980 4.481
MPH 258.52 174.64
MOV .5346 --
First -- --

Torrence was on a good pass and then the car started to eat up the blower belt. Force started to haze the tires and clicked it off.

Driver Doug Kalitta Antron Brown W
Car #21
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.843.845
330 FT2.1552.136
660 FT3.2063.028
660 MPH209.17286.25
ET 4.419 3.784
MPH 180.91 318.47
MOV -- .6336
First -- --

Kalitta was on a good pass until around half track when it started to haze the tires and he clicked it off. Brown launched hard and kept the Goodyears stuck and hitting on all eight to go to the number one spot. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.845 sec., 330ft-2.136, 660ft-3.028/286.25 mph.

Driver Leah Pritchett W Tony Schumacher
Car #7778
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.8462.652
330 FT2.1379.346
660 FT3.01314.402
660 MPH290.8850.99
ET 3.747 18.651
MPH 326.87 57.34
MOV 4.9787 --
First -- --

Pritchett with a great looking pass, hitting on all eight all the way down the track to go to the number one spot. Leah Pritchett's incremental times: 60ft-0.846 sec., 330ft-2.137, 660ft-3.013/290.88 mph. Schumacher's car did move when the light turned green and then he coast on down the track