NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals

NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals

  • Jun 16-18, 2017
  • Bristol Dragway
  • 151 Speedway Blvd  Bristol, TN 37620

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jim Campbell 703 13 .143 1.944 15.523 -- -- -- -- -- --
Right Bob Bode WIN 340 -- .145 1.062 4.038 6.841 84.26 9.542 86.82 -- --

2:52 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 88 degrees, relative humidity 49 percent, barometer 28.28 inches, adjusted altitude 4,612 feet, track temperature 129 degrees. Campbell made one pass yesterday and was off the throttle early. This is Bode's first pass of the weekend. Campbell goes up in smoke as soon as he hits the throttle and came to a stop about 400 feet out. Bode gets about 100 feet out, strikes the tires and has to give up on the run. He rolls through the lights and gets in the field in the 16th spot.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Cruz Pedregon 71 12 .106 1.099 4.557 8.297 64.92 11.646 71.59 -- --
Right J.R. Todd WIN 373 10 .097 .915 2.357 3.422 214.14 4.579 191.43 7.0766 --

Pedregon gets about ten feet out and strikes the tires. He backs off the throttle and coasts through the lights. Todd was on a decent pass but has problems about 700 feet out.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Right Alexis Dejoria WIN 771 11 .144 .949 2.653 4.808 98.72 7.359 89.48 -- --

Diehl was supposed to be in the left lane but decided to sit out this session. DeJoria had a hole out at the hit, gets about 200 feet out and gives up on the run.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Ron Capps WIN 1 14 .151 .912 2.368 3.385 258.17 4.187 305.84 5.0391 --
Right Del Worsham 750 8 .110 .962 3.656 6.535 82.21 9.267 84.50 -- --

Capps goes right down the groove with an impressive run for the conditions and he moves up a spot in the order. Worsham goes up in smoke about 60 feet out and gives up on the run.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Tommy Johnson Jr WIN 2 9 .099 .902 2.322 3.340 229.24 4.420 205.60 1.6277 --
Right Jonnie Lindberg 801 7 .165 .907 2.489 4.109 133.33 5.981 117.59 -- --

Lindberg makes a little move to the left early, gets about 300 feet out and strikes the tires. Johnson was on a decent pass but had problems about 700 feet out and the car nosed over.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jack Beckman 5 6 .098 .883 2.467 4.371 112.08 6.635 97.05 -- --
Right Matt Hagan WIN 3 5 .070 .915 2.454 4.150 126.25 6.134 111.87 .5295 --

Hagan gets about 300 feet out, has traction problems and backs off the throttle. Beckman gets a few feet further and suffers the same fate.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Robert Hight WIN 8 2 .085 .886 2.290 3.250 271.02 4.023 311.77 1.2708 --
Right John Force 4 4 .112 .943 2.406 3.733 162.35 5.266 144.23 -- --

Hight goes right down the groove with an impressive pass for the conditions and makes the quickest pass of the round so far. Force had a hole out on the left side at the hit, the car started pushing to the left, then he backs off the throttle about 400 feet out.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Tim Wilkerson WIN 9 1 .115 .899 2.330 3.322 260.11 4.125 301.27 1.1471 --
Right Courtney Force 6 3 .103 .913 2.358 3.694 161.02 5.284 130.91 -- --

Wilkerson makes a clean pass but doesn't improve. Force had a cylinder out on the left side at the hit, starts moving to the left, then backs off the throttle.

Driver Jim Campbell Bob Bode W
Car #703340
Q. Pos.13--
60 FT1.9441.062
330 FT15.5234.038
660 FT--6.841
660 MPH--84.26
ET -- 9.542
MPH -- 86.82
MOV -- --
First -- --

2:52 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 88 degrees, relative humidity 49 percent, barometer 28.28 inches, adjusted altitude 4,612 feet, track temperature 129 degrees. Campbell made one pass yesterday and was off the throttle early. This is Bode's first pass of the weekend. Campbell goes up in smoke as soon as he hits the throttle and came to a stop about 400 feet out. Bode gets about 100 feet out, strikes the tires and has to give up on the run. He rolls through the lights and gets in the field in the 16th spot.

Driver Cruz Pedregon J.R. Todd W
Car #71373
Q. Pos.1210
60 FT1.099.915
330 FT4.5572.357
660 FT8.2973.422
660 MPH64.92214.14
ET 11.646 4.579
MPH 71.59 191.43
MOV -- 7.0766
First -- --

Pedregon gets about ten feet out and strikes the tires. He backs off the throttle and coasts through the lights. Todd was on a decent pass but has problems about 700 feet out.

Driver -- Alexis Dejoria W
Car #--771
Q. Pos.--11
60 FT--.949
330 FT--2.653
660 FT--4.808
660 MPH--98.72
ET -- 7.359
MPH -- 89.48
MOV -- --
First -- --

Diehl was supposed to be in the left lane but decided to sit out this session. DeJoria had a hole out at the hit, gets about 200 feet out and gives up on the run.

Driver Ron Capps W Del Worsham
Car #1750
Q. Pos.148
60 FT.912.962
330 FT2.3683.656
660 FT3.3856.535
660 MPH258.1782.21
ET 4.187 9.267
MPH 305.84 84.50
MOV 5.0391 --
First -- --

Capps goes right down the groove with an impressive run for the conditions and he moves up a spot in the order. Worsham goes up in smoke about 60 feet out and gives up on the run.

Driver Tommy Johnson Jr W Jonnie Lindberg
Car #2801
Q. Pos.97
60 FT.902.907
330 FT2.3222.489
660 FT3.3404.109
660 MPH229.24133.33
ET 4.420 5.981
MPH 205.60 117.59
MOV 1.6277 --
First -- --

Lindberg makes a little move to the left early, gets about 300 feet out and strikes the tires. Johnson was on a decent pass but had problems about 700 feet out and the car nosed over.

Driver Jack Beckman Matt Hagan W
Car #53
Q. Pos.65
60 FT.883.915
330 FT2.4672.454
660 FT4.3714.150
660 MPH112.08126.25
ET 6.635 6.134
MPH 97.05 111.87
MOV -- .5295
First -- --

Hagan gets about 300 feet out, has traction problems and backs off the throttle. Beckman gets a few feet further and suffers the same fate.

Driver Robert Hight W John Force
Car #84
Q. Pos.24
60 FT.886.943
330 FT2.2902.406
660 FT3.2503.733
660 MPH271.02162.35
ET 4.023 5.266
MPH 311.77 144.23
MOV 1.2708 --
First -- --

Hight goes right down the groove with an impressive pass for the conditions and makes the quickest pass of the round so far. Force had a hole out on the left side at the hit, the car started pushing to the left, then he backs off the throttle about 400 feet out.

Driver Tim Wilkerson W Courtney Force
Car #96
Q. Pos.13
60 FT.899.913
330 FT2.3302.358
660 FT3.3223.694
660 MPH260.11161.02
ET 4.125 5.284
MPH 301.27 130.91
MOV 1.1471 --
First -- --

Wilkerson makes a clean pass but doesn't improve. Force had a cylinder out on the left side at the hit, starts moving to the left, then backs off the throttle.