NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

Virginia NHRA Nationals

Virginia NHRA Nationals

  • May 17-19, 2019
  • Virginia Motorsports Park
  • 8018 Boydton Plank Road  North Dinwiddie, VA 23803

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Cruz Pedregon 71 11 .069 .895 2.295 3.269 264.34 4.057 304.74 -- --
Right Robert Hight WIN 2 6 .061 .880 2.290 3.248 271.02 4.013 316.97 .0520 --

Weather conditions: air temperature 89 degrees, relative humidity 54 percent, barometer 29.79 inches, adjusted altitude 3,058 feet, track temperature 123 degrees. This is only the third time this year that Robert Hight hasn't started from the No.1 spot in the field. This is the 1,059th round for Cruz Pedregon and he is just one of 12 drivers to have competed in more than 1,000 rounds in the pro classes. Hight is 29 - 15 against Pedregon in prior events. Hight with a slight starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Robert Hight's MOV: 0.0520 seconds (approximately 23 feet). Pedregon with a good looking pass in the losing effort.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jim Campbell 703 14 .093 .903 2.448 4.291 115.31 6.497 99.14 -- --
Right Ron Capps WIN 28 3 .081 .861 2.265 3.222 269.29 3.997 313.58 2.5121 --

Ron Capps starts the day with an overall record of 723 - 457. His 1,180 rounds are fourth most among all pro drivers. Jim Campbell is making his 62nd start and his 14th from the No. 14 qualifying position. Capps is 6 - 0 against Campbell in prior events. Capps with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He will have lane choice over Hight in the next round. Campbell started to smoke the tires around 300 feet and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jeff Diehl 717 16 .107 1.040 4.309 7.890 66.20 11.009 80.03 -- --
Right John Force WIN 9 1 .119 .872 2.272 3.236 269.13 4.004 317.64 6.9938 --

John Force qualified No. 1 for the 157th time and the first time at this event. This is the 34th different event where John has been No. 1. He was runner-up here last year. Jeff Diehl is making his 72nd start in the Funny Car class. Force is 9 - 0 against Diehl in prior events. Diehl with the starting line advantage and was up in smoke as soon as he hit throttle and clicked it off. Force is straight down the groove for the win.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Terry Haddock 121 15 .133 .901 2.324 3.314 257.78 4.132 296.24 -- --
Right Tommy Johnson Jr WIN 3 2 .095 .887 2.299 3.256 269.67 4.027 316.52 .1437 --

Tommy Johnson is 12 - 2 in round 1 when starting from the No.2 qualifying spot. He starts the day with 804 rounds in the pro classes and he is the 21st pro driver to compete in 800 or more rounds. This is the 100th start for Terry Haddock, split between Top Fuel and Funny Car. Johnson Jr. with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Haddock with his quickest pass of the weekend in the losing effort.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Bob Tasca III 77 13 .075 .913 2.334 3.307 266.53 4.086 313.80 -- --
Right J.R. Todd WIN 1 4 .060 .883 2.309 3.282 265.38 4.074 306.95 .0274 --

J.R. Todd is 220 - 185 for his career (54%) and is 113 - 90 (56%) in round 1. This is the 210th race for Bob Tasca. Todd is 5 - 2 against Tasca III in prior events. Todd with the starting line advantage and kept it hooked up for the win. J.R. Todd's MOV: 0.0274 seconds (approximately 13 feet). Tasca with a great pass in the losing effort.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Tim Wilkerson 5 12 .099 .896 2.303 3.260 264.65 4.054 307.02 -- --
Right Shawn Langdon WIN 333 5 .085 .894 2.306 3.260 269.40 4.039 310.27 .0293 --

Shawn Langdon is 15 - 16 in round 1 in his Funny Car career. This is the 848th round for Tim Wilkerson and that is the 17th most among all pro drivers in NHRA history. He is 15 - 14 all time in round 1 when starting from the No. 12 spot. Wilkerson is 4 - 0 against Langdon in prior events. Langdon with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Shawn Langdon's MOV: 0.0293 seconds (approximately 13 feet). He will have lane choice over Todd in the next round. Wilkerson won Best Appearing Car Award this weekend with his new Ford and made a great pass in the losing effort.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jack Beckman WIN 7 10 .093 .877 2.363 3.634 195.14 4.649 251.44 .4459 --
Right Matt Hagan 2814 7 .072 .894 2.513 3.951 160.48 5.115 225.41 -- --

Hagan is 22 - 21 against Beckman in prior events. Hagan with the starting line advantage, Beckman has the lead by 150 feet. They both start to smoke the tires around 800 feet and they both have them sideways as they pedal it. Beckman gets it to hook up quicker and gets the win.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Blake Alexander 256 9 .106 .896 2.319 3.414 224.92 99.999 196.73 -- --
Right Jonnie Lindberg WIN 801 8 .084 .887 2.339 3.317 268.38 4.088 314.39 .4247 --

This is the first time Alexander and Lindberg have faced each other in eliminations. Lindberg with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He will give up lane choice to Force in the next round. Alexander starts to lose traction and drop cylinders and the car gets sideways and collects the top end blocks. This run is DQ'ed and will cost him five points.

Driver Cruz Pedregon Robert Hight W
Car #712
Q. Pos.116
60 FT.895.880
330 FT2.2952.290
660 FT3.2693.248
660 MPH264.34271.02
ET 4.057 4.013
MPH 304.74 316.97
MOV -- .0520
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 89 degrees, relative humidity 54 percent, barometer 29.79 inches, adjusted altitude 3,058 feet, track temperature 123 degrees. This is only the third time this year that Robert Hight hasn't started from the No.1 spot in the field. This is the 1,059th round for Cruz Pedregon and he is just one of 12 drivers to have competed in more than 1,000 rounds in the pro classes. Hight is 29 - 15 against Pedregon in prior events. Hight with a slight starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Robert Hight's MOV: 0.0520 seconds (approximately 23 feet). Pedregon with a good looking pass in the losing effort.

Driver Jim Campbell Ron Capps W
Car #70328
Q. Pos.143
60 FT.903.861
330 FT2.4482.265
660 FT4.2913.222
660 MPH115.31269.29
ET 6.497 3.997
MPH 99.14 313.58
MOV -- 2.5121
First -- --

Ron Capps starts the day with an overall record of 723 - 457. His 1,180 rounds are fourth most among all pro drivers. Jim Campbell is making his 62nd start and his 14th from the No. 14 qualifying position. Capps is 6 - 0 against Campbell in prior events. Capps with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He will have lane choice over Hight in the next round. Campbell started to smoke the tires around 300 feet and clicked it off.

Driver Jeff Diehl John Force W
Car #7179
Q. Pos.161
60 FT1.040.872
330 FT4.3092.272
660 FT7.8903.236
660 MPH66.20269.13
ET 11.009 4.004
MPH 80.03 317.64
MOV -- 6.9938
First -- --

John Force qualified No. 1 for the 157th time and the first time at this event. This is the 34th different event where John has been No. 1. He was runner-up here last year. Jeff Diehl is making his 72nd start in the Funny Car class. Force is 9 - 0 against Diehl in prior events. Diehl with the starting line advantage and was up in smoke as soon as he hit throttle and clicked it off. Force is straight down the groove for the win.

Driver Terry Haddock Tommy Johnson Jr W
Car #1213
Q. Pos.152
60 FT.901.887
330 FT2.3242.299
660 FT3.3143.256
660 MPH257.78269.67
ET 4.132 4.027
MPH 296.24 316.52
MOV -- .1437
First -- --

Tommy Johnson is 12 - 2 in round 1 when starting from the No.2 qualifying spot. He starts the day with 804 rounds in the pro classes and he is the 21st pro driver to compete in 800 or more rounds. This is the 100th start for Terry Haddock, split between Top Fuel and Funny Car. Johnson Jr. with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Haddock with his quickest pass of the weekend in the losing effort.

Driver Bob Tasca III J.R. Todd W
Car #771
Q. Pos.134
60 FT.913.883
330 FT2.3342.309
660 FT3.3073.282
660 MPH266.53265.38
ET 4.086 4.074
MPH 313.80 306.95
MOV -- .0274
First -- --

J.R. Todd is 220 - 185 for his career (54%) and is 113 - 90 (56%) in round 1. This is the 210th race for Bob Tasca. Todd is 5 - 2 against Tasca III in prior events. Todd with the starting line advantage and kept it hooked up for the win. J.R. Todd's MOV: 0.0274 seconds (approximately 13 feet). Tasca with a great pass in the losing effort.

Driver Tim Wilkerson Shawn Langdon W
Car #5333
Q. Pos.125
60 FT.896.894
330 FT2.3032.306
660 FT3.2603.260
660 MPH264.65269.40
ET 4.054 4.039
MPH 307.02 310.27
MOV -- .0293
First -- --

Shawn Langdon is 15 - 16 in round 1 in his Funny Car career. This is the 848th round for Tim Wilkerson and that is the 17th most among all pro drivers in NHRA history. He is 15 - 14 all time in round 1 when starting from the No. 12 spot. Wilkerson is 4 - 0 against Langdon in prior events. Langdon with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. Shawn Langdon's MOV: 0.0293 seconds (approximately 13 feet). He will have lane choice over Todd in the next round. Wilkerson won Best Appearing Car Award this weekend with his new Ford and made a great pass in the losing effort.

Driver Jack Beckman W Matt Hagan
Car #72814
Q. Pos.107
60 FT.877.894
330 FT2.3632.513
660 FT3.6343.951
660 MPH195.14160.48
ET 4.649 5.115
MPH 251.44 225.41
MOV .4459 --
First -- --

Hagan is 22 - 21 against Beckman in prior events. Hagan with the starting line advantage, Beckman has the lead by 150 feet. They both start to smoke the tires around 800 feet and they both have them sideways as they pedal it. Beckman gets it to hook up quicker and gets the win.

Driver Blake Alexander Jonnie Lindberg W
Car #256801
Q. Pos.98
60 FT.896.887
330 FT2.3192.339
660 FT3.4143.317
660 MPH224.92268.38
ET 99.999 4.088
MPH 196.73 314.39
MOV -- .4247
First -- --

This is the first time Alexander and Lindberg have faced each other in eliminations. Lindberg with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He will give up lane choice to Force in the next round. Alexander starts to lose traction and drop cylinders and the car gets sideways and collects the top end blocks. This run is DQ'ed and will cost him five points.