Stan Sipos

  • ClassTAFC
  • Registration404
  • HometownVictoria , BC
Points Sum Type Event code and location Date
30 0 OD TA11-Gainesville,FL 03/03/2024
32 32 NA GF1-Gainesville,FL 03/10/2024
32 64 OD TA21-Indianapolis,IN 05/04/2024
32 96 OD TA22-Norwalk,OH 06/02/2024
43 139 HD TA33-Odessa,MO 06/14/2024
32 171 NA NO1-Norwalk,OH 06/30/2024
43 214 NA SW1-Seattle,WA 07/21/2024
64 278 NA II1-Indianapolis,IN 09/02/2024

Points listed in green background are included in the total.
Points listed in red numbers are not eligible.
Type: HD=Home Div, NA=National Event, OD=Out of Div