Craig Liles

  • ClassTS
  • Registration4979
  • HometownArtesia , NM
Points Sum Type Event code and location Date
30 30 NA PA1-Phoenix,AZ 02/27/2022
30 30 NA LN1-Las Vegas,NV 04/03/2022
40 70 OD 73-Las Vegas,NV 04/08/2022
30 100 OD 74-Las Vegas,NV 04/10/2022
63 163 HD 44-Dallas,TX 05/20/2022
30 193 HD 45-Dallas,TX 05/22/2022
74 267 NA II1-Indianapolis,IN 09/05/2022
63 330 NA DT1-Dallas,TX 10/16/2022

Points listed in green background are included in the total.
Points listed in red numbers are not eligible.
Type: HD=Home Div, NA=National Event, OD=Out of Div