Trevor Larson

  • ClassSG
  • Registration5252
  • HometownGlenwood , MN
Points Sum Type Event code and location Date
40 0 NA PA1-Phoenix,AZ 02/24/2013
61 61 OD 73-Las Vegas,NV 03/30/2013
40 61 NA LN1-Las Vegas,NV 04/07/2013
30 61 HD 51-Great Bend,KS 05/05/2013
51 112 HD 52-Brainerd,MN 06/02/2013
84 196 HD 53-Denver,CO 06/16/2013
62 258 NA CI1-Chicago,IL 06/30/2013
105 363 NA DC1-Denver,CO 07/21/2013
30 363 OD 35-Stanton,MI 07/28/2013
61 363 NA BM1-Brainerd,MN 08/18/2013
50 413 HD 55-Topeka,KS 08/24/2013
50 463 HD 56-Earlville,IA 09/08/2013
72 535 NA LN2-Las Vegas,NV 10/27/2013
40 535 OD 77-Las Vegas,NV 11/03/2013

Points listed in green background are included in the total.
Points listed in red numbers are not eligible.
Type: HD=Home Div, NA=National Event, OD=Out of Div