NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Arizona Nationals

NHRA Arizona Nationals

  • Feb 24-26, 2017
  • Firebird Motorsports Park
  • 20000 S Maricopa Rd  Chandler, AZ 85226

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Terry Haddock DQ 121 -- .307 1.341 4.942 7.881 83.46 10.580 86.35 -- --
Right Steve Faria WIN 735 12 .082 .847 2.190 3.130 272.01 3.905 311.56 6.9001 --

Weather conditions: air temperature 66 degrees, relative humidity 23 percent, barometer 28.80 inches, adjusted altitude 2,105 feet, track temperature 101 degrees. Haddock with trouble getting the car to start...Faria did the burnout and was back to the starting line before Haddock got the car to start. Haddock didn't do a burnout and staged the car so he could get a time on the ladder. He is up in smoke right at the hit. The word following this run was the run is disallowed because he was told not to fire the car, he will have one chance to get in the show. Faria with a good looking pass until on the top end when he started drifting toward the centerline. He runs his career quickest and fastest pass to move up to the number 10 spot. Steve Faria's incremental times: 60ft-0.847 sec., 330ft-2.190, 660ft-3.130/272.01 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Brittany Force WIN 6 13 .107 .828 2.115 2.997 287.53 3.737 325.06 .1525 --
Right Scott Palmer 5050 11 .120 .870 2.199 3.098 281.01 3.876 297.48 -- --

Force launched hard and kept it hooked up to make her quickest pass of the weekend to move into the top half of the show. Brittany Force's incremental times: 60ft-0.828 sec., 330ft-2.115, 660ft-2.997/287.53 mph. Palmer with a real nice pass, his quickest pass of the weekend, but will stay in the number 11 spot. Scott Palmer's incremental times: 60ft-0.870 sec., 330ft-2.199, 660ft-3.098/281.01 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Shawn Reed WIN 614 14 -.105 .882 2.206 3.108 281.36 3.956 255.73 .5189 --
Right Terry McMillen 21 10 .088 .849 2.150 3.131 220.26 4.281 189.87 -- --

Reed two steps it on the starting line, he has a good pass until just past half track when it started to smoke the tires. He makes his quickest pass of the weekend to move up the ladder one spot. Shawn Reed's incremental times: 60ft-0.882 sec., 330ft-2.206, 660ft-3.108/281.36 mph. McMillen started to lose traction early and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Clay Millican WIN 25 8 .099 .831 2.106 3.005 270.81 3.956 227.65 .0608 --
Right Troy Buff 497 9 .137 .838 2.125 3.034 269.73 3.978 231.64 -- --

Millican was on good looking pass and then the car went silent just past half track. The word from the top end was Millican felt something weird and clicked it off. Buff was on a good pass and then car went silent about the same time as Millican's car.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Steve Torrence WIN 3 7 .104 .820 2.093 2.954 293.73 3.684 325.14 .6033 --
Right Doug Kalitta 2 5 .071 .832 2.117 3.135 215.86 4.320 183.00 -- --

Torrence launched hard and kept it hooked up and hitting on all eight to go to the number three spot. He makes his quickest pass of the season and the quickest of the session. Steve Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.820 sec., 330ft-2.093, 660ft-2.954/293.73 mph. Kalitta was up in smoke early and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Antron Brown WIN 1 4 .055 .821 2.085 2.946 293.86 3.679 324.05 .0908 --
Right Troy Coughlin Jr 301 5 .083 .846 2.133 3.001 290.76 3.741 320.81 -- --

This is a great side-by-side drag race. Brown with a great pass, he ties his own time for the seventh quickest pass in Top Fuel history. He goes to the number three spot. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.821 sec., 330ft-2.085, 660ft-2.946/293.86 mph. Coughlin was right there with him with another good looking pass. Troy Coughlin Jr.'s incremental times: 60ft-0.846 sec., 330ft-2.133, 660ft-3.001/290.76 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Leah Pritchett 777 1 .096 .827 2.100 2.951 294.05 3.816 249.12 -- --
Right Tony Schumacher WIN 8 2 .084 .824 2.095 2.961 292.01 3.819 251.63 .0096 --

Pritchett started to haze the tires and the word from the top end was the car pitched the blower belt. Schumacher's car went silent early. Leah Pritchett's incremental times: 60ft-0.827 sec., 330ft-2.100, 660ft-2.951/294.05 mph. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.824 sec., 330ft-2.095, 660ft-2.961/292.01 mph.

Driver Terry Haddock DQ Steve Faria W
Car #121735
Q. Pos.--12
60 FT1.341.847
330 FT4.9422.190
660 FT7.8813.130
660 MPH83.46272.01
ET 10.580 3.905
MPH 86.35 311.56
MOV -- 6.9001
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 66 degrees, relative humidity 23 percent, barometer 28.80 inches, adjusted altitude 2,105 feet, track temperature 101 degrees. Haddock with trouble getting the car to start...Faria did the burnout and was back to the starting line before Haddock got the car to start. Haddock didn't do a burnout and staged the car so he could get a time on the ladder. He is up in smoke right at the hit. The word following this run was the run is disallowed because he was told not to fire the car, he will have one chance to get in the show. Faria with a good looking pass until on the top end when he started drifting toward the centerline. He runs his career quickest and fastest pass to move up to the number 10 spot. Steve Faria's incremental times: 60ft-0.847 sec., 330ft-2.190, 660ft-3.130/272.01 mph.

Driver Brittany Force W Scott Palmer
Car #65050
Q. Pos.1311
60 FT.828.870
330 FT2.1152.199
660 FT2.9973.098
660 MPH287.53281.01
ET 3.737 3.876
MPH 325.06 297.48
MOV .1525 --
First -- --

Force launched hard and kept it hooked up to make her quickest pass of the weekend to move into the top half of the show. Brittany Force's incremental times: 60ft-0.828 sec., 330ft-2.115, 660ft-2.997/287.53 mph. Palmer with a real nice pass, his quickest pass of the weekend, but will stay in the number 11 spot. Scott Palmer's incremental times: 60ft-0.870 sec., 330ft-2.199, 660ft-3.098/281.01 mph.

Driver Shawn Reed W Terry McMillen
Car #61421
Q. Pos.1410
60 FT.882.849
330 FT2.2062.150
660 FT3.1083.131
660 MPH281.36220.26
ET 3.956 4.281
MPH 255.73 189.87
MOV .5189 --
First -- --

Reed two steps it on the starting line, he has a good pass until just past half track when it started to smoke the tires. He makes his quickest pass of the weekend to move up the ladder one spot. Shawn Reed's incremental times: 60ft-0.882 sec., 330ft-2.206, 660ft-3.108/281.36 mph. McMillen started to lose traction early and clicked it off.

Driver Clay Millican W Troy Buff
Car #25497
Q. Pos.89
60 FT.831.838
330 FT2.1062.125
660 FT3.0053.034
660 MPH270.81269.73
ET 3.956 3.978
MPH 227.65 231.64
MOV .0608 --
First -- --

Millican was on good looking pass and then the car went silent just past half track. The word from the top end was Millican felt something weird and clicked it off. Buff was on a good pass and then car went silent about the same time as Millican's car.

Driver Steve Torrence W Doug Kalitta
Car #32
Q. Pos.75
60 FT.820.832
330 FT2.0932.117
660 FT2.9543.135
660 MPH293.73215.86
ET 3.684 4.320
MPH 325.14 183.00
MOV .6033 --
First -- --

Torrence launched hard and kept it hooked up and hitting on all eight to go to the number three spot. He makes his quickest pass of the season and the quickest of the session. Steve Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.820 sec., 330ft-2.093, 660ft-2.954/293.73 mph. Kalitta was up in smoke early and clicked it off.

Driver Antron Brown W Troy Coughlin Jr
Car #1301
Q. Pos.45
60 FT.821.846
330 FT2.0852.133
660 FT2.9463.001
660 MPH293.86290.76
ET 3.679 3.741
MPH 324.05 320.81
MOV .0908 --
First -- --

This is a great side-by-side drag race. Brown with a great pass, he ties his own time for the seventh quickest pass in Top Fuel history. He goes to the number three spot. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.821 sec., 330ft-2.085, 660ft-2.946/293.86 mph. Coughlin was right there with him with another good looking pass. Troy Coughlin Jr.'s incremental times: 60ft-0.846 sec., 330ft-2.133, 660ft-3.001/290.76 mph.

Driver Leah Pritchett Tony Schumacher W
Car #7778
Q. Pos.12
60 FT.827.824
330 FT2.1002.095
660 FT2.9512.961
660 MPH294.05292.01
ET 3.816 3.819
MPH 249.12 251.63
MOV -- .0096
First -- --

Pritchett started to haze the tires and the word from the top end was the car pitched the blower belt. Schumacher's car went silent early. Leah Pritchett's incremental times: 60ft-0.827 sec., 330ft-2.100, 660ft-2.951/294.05 mph. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.824 sec., 330ft-2.095, 660ft-2.961/292.01 mph.