NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

Amalie Motor Oil NHRA Gatornationals

Amalie Motor Oil NHRA Gatornationals

  • Mar 16-19, 2017
  • Gainesville Raceway
  • 11211 N County Road 225 Gainesville, FL 32609

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Larry Dixon WIN 91 15 .099 .860 2.175 3.074 277.32 3.988 239.31 .8075 --
Right Ike Maier 173 13 .119 .899 2.274 3.426 186.28 4.775 162.65 -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 76 degrees, relative humidity 33 percent, barometer 29.93 inches, adjusted altitude 1,597 feet, track temperature 105 degrees. Dixon was on a good looking pass until around 700 feet when the car started to haze the tires and he clicked it off. Larry Dixon's incremental times: 60ft-0.860 sec., 330ft-2.175, 660ft-3.074/277.32 mph. Maier started to haze the tires and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Pat Dakin WIN 303 15 .066 .863 2.161 3.075 275.62 3.862 289.63 .3091 --
Right Shawn Reed 614 11 .351 .870 2.204 3.121 277.32 3.886 315.49 -- --

Dakin started drifting out of the groove and got over by the wall before he clicked it off. He makes his quickest pass of the weekend to move up to the number 11 spot. Pat Dakin's incremental times: 60ft-0.863 sec., 330ft-2.161, 660ft-3.075/275.62 mph. Reed with another good pass, but will not improve. Shawn Reed's incremental times: 60ft-0.870 sec., 330ft-2.204, 660ft-3.121/277.32 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Terry McMillen WIN 21 9 .088 .854 2.163 3.039 287.96 3.780 324.51 .0544 --
Right Scott Palmer 5050 10 .096 .861 2.182 3.078 283.49 3.826 321.73 -- --

McMillen was straight down the groove with his quickest pass of the weekend, but will stay in the number nine spot. Terry McMillen's incremental times: 60ft-0.854 sec., 330ft-2.163, 660ft-3.039/287.96 mph. Palmer with a real nice pass, his quickest pass of the weekend, but will stay in the number 10 spot. Scott Palmer's incremental times: 60ft-0.861 sec., 330ft-2.182, 660ft-3.078/283.49 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Troy Coughlin Jr WIN 301 6 .086 .836 2.128 3.004 289.82 3.738 328.86 .0342 --
Right Clay Millican 25 8 .096 .844 2.139 3.015 288.33 3.762 320.74 -- --

This was good side-by-side drag race... Coughlin launched hard and kept it hooked up to make his quickest pass of the weekend. He will stay in the number six spot. Troy Coughlin Jr.'s incremental times: 60ft-0.836 sec., 330ft-2.128, 660ft-3.004/289.82 mph. Millican with his quickest pass of the weekend, he will stay in stay in the number eight spot. Clay Millican's incremental times: 60ft-0.844 sec., 330ft-2.139, 660ft-3.015/288.33 mph. He will face McMillen in round one Sunday.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Steve Torrence WIN 3 5 .068 .833 2.139 3.015 289.45 3.750 327.19 .8961 --
Right Leah Pritchett 777 7 .143 .854 2.128 3.250 191.10 4.571 165.72 -- --

Torrence with a real nice pass, straight down the groove with the second quickest pass of the session. Steve Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.833 sec., 330ft-2.139, 660ft-3.015/289.45 mph. Pritchett started to haze the tires around half track and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Antron Brown WIN 1 3 .035 .836 2.110 2.983 291.51 3.716 326.24 6.2859 --
Right Brittany Force 6 4 .097 .872 3.393 6.638 67.96 9.939 71.55 -- --

Brown launched hard and kept it hooked up to make the quickest pass of the session. He ties his quickest pass of the weekend with this pass. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.836 sec., 330ft-2.110, 660ft-2.983/291.51 mph. Force starts to lose traction early and clicks it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Tony Schumacher WIN 8 1 .074 .839 2.115 2.982 293.41 3.798 266.06 .6006 --
Right Doug Kalitta 2 2 .052 .832 2.124 3.189 204.48 4.420 178.19 -- --

Schumacher was on a grat pass until right in the lights when the engine went silent. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.839 sec., 330ft-2.115, 660ft-2.982/293.41 mph. Schumacher holds on to the number one spot for the first time this season and the 81st time in his career. Kalitta started to haze the tires around half track and clicked it off.

Driver Larry Dixon W Ike Maier
Car #91173
Q. Pos.1513
60 FT.860.899
330 FT2.1752.274
660 FT3.0743.426
660 MPH277.32186.28
ET 3.988 4.775
MPH 239.31 162.65
MOV .8075 --
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 76 degrees, relative humidity 33 percent, barometer 29.93 inches, adjusted altitude 1,597 feet, track temperature 105 degrees. Dixon was on a good looking pass until around 700 feet when the car started to haze the tires and he clicked it off. Larry Dixon's incremental times: 60ft-0.860 sec., 330ft-2.175, 660ft-3.074/277.32 mph. Maier started to haze the tires and clicked it off.

Driver Pat Dakin W Shawn Reed
Car #303614
Q. Pos.1511
60 FT.863.870
330 FT2.1612.204
660 FT3.0753.121
660 MPH275.62277.32
ET 3.862 3.886
MPH 289.63 315.49
MOV .3091 --
First -- --

Dakin started drifting out of the groove and got over by the wall before he clicked it off. He makes his quickest pass of the weekend to move up to the number 11 spot. Pat Dakin's incremental times: 60ft-0.863 sec., 330ft-2.161, 660ft-3.075/275.62 mph. Reed with another good pass, but will not improve. Shawn Reed's incremental times: 60ft-0.870 sec., 330ft-2.204, 660ft-3.121/277.32 mph.

Driver Terry McMillen W Scott Palmer
Car #215050
Q. Pos.910
60 FT.854.861
330 FT2.1632.182
660 FT3.0393.078
660 MPH287.96283.49
ET 3.780 3.826
MPH 324.51 321.73
MOV .0544 --
First -- --

McMillen was straight down the groove with his quickest pass of the weekend, but will stay in the number nine spot. Terry McMillen's incremental times: 60ft-0.854 sec., 330ft-2.163, 660ft-3.039/287.96 mph. Palmer with a real nice pass, his quickest pass of the weekend, but will stay in the number 10 spot. Scott Palmer's incremental times: 60ft-0.861 sec., 330ft-2.182, 660ft-3.078/283.49 mph.

Driver Troy Coughlin Jr W Clay Millican
Car #30125
Q. Pos.68
60 FT.836.844
330 FT2.1282.139
660 FT3.0043.015
660 MPH289.82288.33
ET 3.738 3.762
MPH 328.86 320.74
MOV .0342 --
First -- --

This was good side-by-side drag race... Coughlin launched hard and kept it hooked up to make his quickest pass of the weekend. He will stay in the number six spot. Troy Coughlin Jr.'s incremental times: 60ft-0.836 sec., 330ft-2.128, 660ft-3.004/289.82 mph. Millican with his quickest pass of the weekend, he will stay in stay in the number eight spot. Clay Millican's incremental times: 60ft-0.844 sec., 330ft-2.139, 660ft-3.015/288.33 mph. He will face McMillen in round one Sunday.

Driver Steve Torrence W Leah Pritchett
Car #3777
Q. Pos.57
60 FT.833.854
330 FT2.1392.128
660 FT3.0153.250
660 MPH289.45191.10
ET 3.750 4.571
MPH 327.19 165.72
MOV .8961 --
First -- --

Torrence with a real nice pass, straight down the groove with the second quickest pass of the session. Steve Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.833 sec., 330ft-2.139, 660ft-3.015/289.45 mph. Pritchett started to haze the tires around half track and clicked it off.

Driver Antron Brown W Brittany Force
Car #16
Q. Pos.34
60 FT.836.872
330 FT2.1103.393
660 FT2.9836.638
660 MPH291.5167.96
ET 3.716 9.939
MPH 326.24 71.55
MOV 6.2859 --
First -- --

Brown launched hard and kept it hooked up to make the quickest pass of the session. He ties his quickest pass of the weekend with this pass. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.836 sec., 330ft-2.110, 660ft-2.983/291.51 mph. Force starts to lose traction early and clicks it off.

Driver Tony Schumacher W Doug Kalitta
Car #82
Q. Pos.12
60 FT.839.832
330 FT2.1152.124
660 FT2.9823.189
660 MPH293.41204.48
ET 3.798 4.420
MPH 266.06 178.19
MOV .6006 --
First -- --

Schumacher was on a grat pass until right in the lights when the engine went silent. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.839 sec., 330ft-2.115, 660ft-2.982/293.41 mph. Schumacher holds on to the number one spot for the first time this season and the 81st time in his career. Kalitta started to haze the tires around half track and clicked it off.