NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

Amalie Motor Oil NHRA Gatornationals

Amalie Motor Oil NHRA Gatornationals

  • Mar 16-19, 2017
  • Gainesville Raceway
  • 11211 N County Road 225 Gainesville, FL 32609

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Shawn Reed WIN 614 10 .108 .864 2.194 3.112 276.75 3.879 314.17 2.0475 --
Right Smax Smith 354 -- .100 1.011 3.683 8.218 42.35 15.934 23.58 -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 73 degrees, relative humidity 37 percent, barometer 30.06 inches, adjusted altitude 1,229 feet, track temperature 108 degrees. Reed launched hard and was straight down the groove with a good clean pass. He will stay in the number 10 spot. Shawn Reed's incremental times: 60ft-0.864 sec., 330ft-2.194, 660ft-3.112/276.75 mph. Smith's engine let go right at the hit with a big fireball. He coast down the track, and the word from the Safety Safari is there is oil. Smax Smith was charged with an oildown, #1 for the season. That will cost 5 points.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Chris Karamesines WIN 323 15 .374 .875 2.243 3.218 258.37 4.043 290.26 8.7384 --
Right Pat Dakin 303 11 .063 1.150 4.768 8.748 57.23 13.092 50.16 -- --

Karamesines with a good looking pass until right in the lights when it banged the blower. He moves up to the number 11 spot. Chris Karamesines' incremental times: 60ft-0.875 sec., 330ft-2.243, 660ft-3.218/258.37 mph. Dakin is up in smoke as soon as he hit the throttle and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Ike Maier WIN 173 15 .113 .904 2.274 3.248 259.31 4.084 273.11 .3437 --
Right Terry McMillen 21 8 .085 .869 2.173 3.229 206.61 4.455 178.45 -- --

Maier was on a great pass until on the top end when it pitched the blower belt, he still jumps up to the number 12 spot. Ike Maier's incremental times: 60ft-0.904 sec., 330ft-2.274, 660ft-3.248/259.31 mph. McMillen starts to lose traction just past the half track mark

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Leah Pritchett WIN 777 15 .089 .858 2.144 3.015 290.94 3.750 327.66 1.3226 --
Right Larry Dixon 91 14 .092 .877 2.222 3.506 165.21 5.069 135.50 -- --

Pritchett launched hard and kept it hooked up to get into the top half of the show. Leah Pritchett's incremental times: 60ft-0.858 sec., 330ft-2.144, 660ft-3.015/290.94 mph. Dixon started to haze the tires around 330 feet and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Scott Palmer WIN 5050 10 .109 .855 2.168 3.315 187.76 4.670 160.00 .9343 --
Right Troy Coughlin Jr 301 6 .078 .848 2.230 3.749 137.90 5.635 113.83 -- --

Palmer started to haze the tires just past the 330 mark and clicked it off. Coughlin was up in smoke around 250 feet and the car was sideways has he clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Clay Millican WIN 25 8 .099 .857 2.169 3.078 280.95 3.833 319.14 1.6873 --
Right Steve Torrence 3 5 .084 .841 2.197 3.700 140.17 5.535 117.70 -- --

Millican is straight down the groove and then dropped a cylinder or two on the top end. He still has the second quickest pass of the session. Clay Millican's incremental times: 60ft-0.857 sec., 330ft-2.169, 660ft-3.078/280.95 mph. Torrence hazes the tires early and clicks it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Brittany Force WIN 6 4 .092 .853 2.154 3.044 285.41 3.785 325.45 1.2829 --
Right Antron Brown 1 3 .069 .841 2.156 3.500 157.23 5.090 138.17 -- --

Force with a real nice pass, she had it hitting on all eight all the way down the track. She makes the second quickest pass of the session. Brittany Force's incremental times: 60ft-0.853 sec., 330ft-2.154, 660ft-3.044/285.41 mph. After her run the Safety Safari is working on her lane on the starting line, the word from the Starting line is there is oil. Brittany Force was charged with an oildown, #1 for the season. That will cost 5 points. Brown started to smoke the tires at 330 feet and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Doug Kalitta 2 2 .079 .834 2.133 3.013 288.89 3.753 324.20 -- --
Right Tony Schumacher WIN 8 1 .095 .835 2.107 2.976 292.84 3.710 324.36 .0276 --

This was a great side-by-side drag race to wrap up qualifying number three. Kalitta with a great pass, the third quickest pass of the session. Doug Kalitta's incremental times: 60ft-0.834 sec., 330ft-2.133, 660ft-3.013/288.89 mph. Schumacher launched hard and kept it hooked up and hitting on all eight to make the quickest pass of the session. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.835 sec., 330ft-2.107, 660ft-2.976/292.84 mph.

Driver Shawn Reed W Smax Smith
Car #614354
Q. Pos.10--
60 FT.8641.011
330 FT2.1943.683
660 FT3.1128.218
660 MPH276.7542.35
ET 3.879 15.934
MPH 314.17 23.58
MOV 2.0475 --
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 73 degrees, relative humidity 37 percent, barometer 30.06 inches, adjusted altitude 1,229 feet, track temperature 108 degrees. Reed launched hard and was straight down the groove with a good clean pass. He will stay in the number 10 spot. Shawn Reed's incremental times: 60ft-0.864 sec., 330ft-2.194, 660ft-3.112/276.75 mph. Smith's engine let go right at the hit with a big fireball. He coast down the track, and the word from the Safety Safari is there is oil. Smax Smith was charged with an oildown, #1 for the season. That will cost 5 points.

Driver Chris Karamesines W Pat Dakin
Car #323303
Q. Pos.1511
60 FT.8751.150
330 FT2.2434.768
660 FT3.2188.748
660 MPH258.3757.23
ET 4.043 13.092
MPH 290.26 50.16
MOV 8.7384 --
First -- --

Karamesines with a good looking pass until right in the lights when it banged the blower. He moves up to the number 11 spot. Chris Karamesines' incremental times: 60ft-0.875 sec., 330ft-2.243, 660ft-3.218/258.37 mph. Dakin is up in smoke as soon as he hit the throttle and clicked it off.

Driver Ike Maier W Terry McMillen
Car #17321
Q. Pos.158
60 FT.904.869
330 FT2.2742.173
660 FT3.2483.229
660 MPH259.31206.61
ET 4.084 4.455
MPH 273.11 178.45
MOV .3437 --
First -- --

Maier was on a great pass until on the top end when it pitched the blower belt, he still jumps up to the number 12 spot. Ike Maier's incremental times: 60ft-0.904 sec., 330ft-2.274, 660ft-3.248/259.31 mph. McMillen starts to lose traction just past the half track mark

Driver Leah Pritchett W Larry Dixon
Car #77791
Q. Pos.1514
60 FT.858.877
330 FT2.1442.222
660 FT3.0153.506
660 MPH290.94165.21
ET 3.750 5.069
MPH 327.66 135.50
MOV 1.3226 --
First -- --

Pritchett launched hard and kept it hooked up to get into the top half of the show. Leah Pritchett's incremental times: 60ft-0.858 sec., 330ft-2.144, 660ft-3.015/290.94 mph. Dixon started to haze the tires around 330 feet and clicked it off.

Driver Scott Palmer W Troy Coughlin Jr
Car #5050301
Q. Pos.106
60 FT.855.848
330 FT2.1682.230
660 FT3.3153.749
660 MPH187.76137.90
ET 4.670 5.635
MPH 160.00 113.83
MOV .9343 --
First -- --

Palmer started to haze the tires just past the 330 mark and clicked it off. Coughlin was up in smoke around 250 feet and the car was sideways has he clicked it off.

Driver Clay Millican W Steve Torrence
Car #253
Q. Pos.85
60 FT.857.841
330 FT2.1692.197
660 FT3.0783.700
660 MPH280.95140.17
ET 3.833 5.535
MPH 319.14 117.70
MOV 1.6873 --
First -- --

Millican is straight down the groove and then dropped a cylinder or two on the top end. He still has the second quickest pass of the session. Clay Millican's incremental times: 60ft-0.857 sec., 330ft-2.169, 660ft-3.078/280.95 mph. Torrence hazes the tires early and clicks it off.

Driver Brittany Force W Antron Brown
Car #61
Q. Pos.43
60 FT.853.841
330 FT2.1542.156
660 FT3.0443.500
660 MPH285.41157.23
ET 3.785 5.090
MPH 325.45 138.17
MOV 1.2829 --
First -- --

Force with a real nice pass, she had it hitting on all eight all the way down the track. She makes the second quickest pass of the session. Brittany Force's incremental times: 60ft-0.853 sec., 330ft-2.154, 660ft-3.044/285.41 mph. After her run the Safety Safari is working on her lane on the starting line, the word from the Starting line is there is oil. Brittany Force was charged with an oildown, #1 for the season. That will cost 5 points. Brown started to smoke the tires at 330 feet and clicked it off.

Driver Doug Kalitta Tony Schumacher W
Car #28
Q. Pos.21
60 FT.834.835
330 FT2.1332.107
660 FT3.0132.976
660 MPH288.89292.84
ET 3.753 3.710
MPH 324.20 324.36
MOV -- .0276
First -- --

This was a great side-by-side drag race to wrap up qualifying number three. Kalitta with a great pass, the third quickest pass of the session. Doug Kalitta's incremental times: 60ft-0.834 sec., 330ft-2.133, 660ft-3.013/288.89 mph. Schumacher launched hard and kept it hooked up and hitting on all eight to make the quickest pass of the session. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.835 sec., 330ft-2.107, 660ft-2.976/292.84 mph.