NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Springnationals

NHRA Springnationals

  • Apr 21-23, 2017
  • Houston Raceway Park
  • 2525 South FM 565 Baytown, TX 77523

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Right Leah Pritchett WIN 777 5 .084 .847 2.156 3.055 283.49 3.811 317.94 -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 59 percent, barometer 29.85 inches, adjusted altitude 2,685 feet, track temperature 107 degrees. Pritchett launched hard and was straight down the groove with a real nice pass, she will not improve on her E.T. from yesterday. Leah Pritchett's incremental times: 60ft-0.847 sec., 330ft-2.156, 660ft-3.055/283.49 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Shawn Langdon 5 8 .064 .853 2.166 3.094 269.24 3.888 304.19 -- --
Right Steve Torrence WIN 3 11 .069 .838 2.137 3.015 289.63 3.762 321.58 .1218 --

Langdon with another good pass, but started to drop cylinders and eat up the blower belt. Shawn Langdon's incremental times: 60ft-0.853 sec., 330ft-2.166, 660ft-3.094/269.24 mph. Torrence launched hard and kept it hitting on all eight to make his quickest pass of the weekend. He moves into the top half of the show. Steve Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.838 sec., 330ft-2.137, 660ft-3.015/289.63 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Terry McMillen WIN 21 13 .135 .858 2.202 3.124 274.39 3.895 314.17 3.9561 --
Right Troy Buff 497 16 .074 1.081 5.416 -- -- -- -- -- --

McMillen was straight down the groove with his quickest pass of the weekend to move up the ladder one spot. Terry McMillen's incremental times: 60ft-0.858 sec., 330ft-2.202, 660ft-3.124/274.39 mph. Buff is up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off. He came to a stop around the 330-foot mark.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Shawn Reed WIN 614 11 .087 .878 2.223 3.149 274.44 3.935 305.15 -- --
Right -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Reed with a good clean pass, but will not improve. Shawn Reed's incremental times: 60ft-0.878 sec., 330ft-2.223, 660ft-3.149/274.44 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Tony Schumacher WIN 8 8 .079 .852 2.168 3.051 287.66 3.798 321.50 7.9627 --
Right Troy Coughlin Jr 301 13 .072 1.103 4.588 8.279 64.52 11.767 66.74 -- --

Schumacher launched hard and was straight down the groove with his quickest pass of the weekend. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.852 sec., 330ft-2.168, 660ft-3.051/287.66 mph. Coughlin was up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Brittany Force WIN 6 4 .084 .850 2.175 3.220 209.01 4.451 176.17 6.1755 --
Right Scott Palmer 5050 10 .084 .889 3.862 7.355 67.04 10.626 73.73 -- --

Force started to lose traction and clicked it off. Palmer was up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Antron Brown WIN 1 2 .057 .857 2.153 3.035 286.56 3.785 320.28 .1376 --
Right Bob Vandergriff 12 7 .093 .862 2.177 3.102 274.50 3.886 307.58 -- --

Brown launched hard and kept it hooked up to make the second quickest pass of the session. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.857 sec., 330ft-2.153, 660ft-3.035/286.56 mph. Vandergriff with another good looking pass...Bob Vandergriff's incremental times: 60ft-0.862 sec., 330ft-2.177, 660ft-3.102/274.50 mph.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Clay Millican 25 1 .072 .848 2.152 3.410 168.45 4.947 140.68 -- --
Right Doug Kalitta WIN 2 3 .065 .848 2.161 3.052 285.17 3.804 320.05 1.1509 --

Millican starts to haze the tires just before half track and pedals it and can't get it to hook up. Kalitta was straight down the groove with the fouth quickest pass of the session. Doug Kalitta's incremental times: 60ft-0.848 sec., 330ft-2.161, 660ft-3.052/285.17 mph.

Driver -- Leah Pritchett W
Car #--777
Q. Pos.--5
60 FT--.847
330 FT--2.156
660 FT--3.055
660 MPH--283.49
ET -- 3.811
MPH -- 317.94
MOV -- --
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 59 percent, barometer 29.85 inches, adjusted altitude 2,685 feet, track temperature 107 degrees. Pritchett launched hard and was straight down the groove with a real nice pass, she will not improve on her E.T. from yesterday. Leah Pritchett's incremental times: 60ft-0.847 sec., 330ft-2.156, 660ft-3.055/283.49 mph.

Driver Shawn Langdon Steve Torrence W
Car #53
Q. Pos.811
60 FT.853.838
330 FT2.1662.137
660 FT3.0943.015
660 MPH269.24289.63
ET 3.888 3.762
MPH 304.19 321.58
MOV -- .1218
First -- --

Langdon with another good pass, but started to drop cylinders and eat up the blower belt. Shawn Langdon's incremental times: 60ft-0.853 sec., 330ft-2.166, 660ft-3.094/269.24 mph. Torrence launched hard and kept it hitting on all eight to make his quickest pass of the weekend. He moves into the top half of the show. Steve Torrence's incremental times: 60ft-0.838 sec., 330ft-2.137, 660ft-3.015/289.63 mph.

Driver Terry McMillen W Troy Buff
Car #21497
Q. Pos.1316
60 FT.8581.081
330 FT2.2025.416
660 FT3.124--
660 MPH274.39--
ET 3.895 --
MPH 314.17 --
MOV 3.9561 --
First -- --

McMillen was straight down the groove with his quickest pass of the weekend to move up the ladder one spot. Terry McMillen's incremental times: 60ft-0.858 sec., 330ft-2.202, 660ft-3.124/274.39 mph. Buff is up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off. He came to a stop around the 330-foot mark.

Driver Shawn Reed W --
Car #614--
Q. Pos.11--
60 FT.878--
330 FT2.223--
660 FT3.149--
660 MPH274.44--
ET 3.935 --
MPH 305.15 --
MOV -- W --
First -- --

Reed with a good clean pass, but will not improve. Shawn Reed's incremental times: 60ft-0.878 sec., 330ft-2.223, 660ft-3.149/274.44 mph.

Driver Tony Schumacher W Troy Coughlin Jr
Car #8301
Q. Pos.813
60 FT.8521.103
330 FT2.1684.588
660 FT3.0518.279
660 MPH287.6664.52
ET 3.798 11.767
MPH 321.50 66.74
MOV 7.9627 --
First -- --

Schumacher launched hard and was straight down the groove with his quickest pass of the weekend. Tony Schumacher's incremental times: 60ft-0.852 sec., 330ft-2.168, 660ft-3.051/287.66 mph. Coughlin was up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off.

Driver Brittany Force W Scott Palmer
Car #65050
Q. Pos.410
60 FT.850.889
330 FT2.1753.862
660 FT3.2207.355
660 MPH209.0167.04
ET 4.451 10.626
MPH 176.17 73.73
MOV 6.1755 --
First -- --

Force started to lose traction and clicked it off. Palmer was up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off.

Driver Antron Brown W Bob Vandergriff
Car #112
Q. Pos.27
60 FT.857.862
330 FT2.1532.177
660 FT3.0353.102
660 MPH286.56274.50
ET 3.785 3.886
MPH 320.28 307.58
MOV .1376 --
First -- --

Brown launched hard and kept it hooked up to make the second quickest pass of the session. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.857 sec., 330ft-2.153, 660ft-3.035/286.56 mph. Vandergriff with another good looking pass...Bob Vandergriff's incremental times: 60ft-0.862 sec., 330ft-2.177, 660ft-3.102/274.50 mph.

Driver Clay Millican Doug Kalitta W
Car #252
Q. Pos.13
60 FT.848.848
330 FT2.1522.161
660 FT3.4103.052
660 MPH168.45285.17
ET 4.947 3.804
MPH 140.68 320.05
MOV -- 1.1509
First -- --

Millican starts to haze the tires just before half track and pedals it and can't get it to hook up. Kalitta was straight down the groove with the fouth quickest pass of the session. Doug Kalitta's incremental times: 60ft-0.848 sec., 330ft-2.161, 660ft-3.052/285.17 mph.