NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Winternationals

NHRA Winternationals

  • Feb 08-11, 2018
  • In-N-Out Burger Pomona Dragstrip
  • 2780 Fairplex Dr  Pomona, CA 91768

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Chuck Moore WIN 7280 AA/AM 7.04 .352 1.002 2.730 4.180 161.87 5.658 7.224 131.06 0.184 8.3251 --
Right Ralph Van Paepeghem 6857 A/EA 7.81 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -0.586 -- --

11:48 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 62 degrees, relative humidity 61 percent, barometer 28.79 inches, adjusted altitude 2,068 feet, track temperature 76 degrees. Ralph Van Paepeghem is a no show. Moore leaves hard and runs straight and true to after half track, where he dumps.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Scott McClay 7235 C/ED 7.87 .168 1.031 2.954 4.605 148.56 6.045 7.282 180.31 -0.588 -- --
Right Ed Sigmon WIN 7771 C/SR 9.04 .035 1.125 3.360 5.288 126.65 6.980 8.438 153.54 -0.602 .1476 --

Two long time Division Seven Comp. racers meet at the line again! McClay was late and could not catch Sigmon. Sigmon will race Moore later.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Tony Mandella 71 A/SMA 8.53 .039 1.163 3.899 5.958 116.20 7.833 9.688 111.96 1.158 -- --
Right Randy Jones WIN 7230 C/TA 9.01 .028 1.154 3.428 5.373 126.32 7.063 8.826 112.97 -0.184 1.3538 --

Two wheels up leaves and Mandella is off the throttle and coasting early. Jones lifts early too for the win.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Tom Mettler WIN 7098 PST 8.05 .004 1.060 3.053 4.730 146.53 6.182 7.418 178.24 -0.632 .1304 --
Right Joe Mozeris 703 B/ED 7.54 .048 1.001 2.862 4.437 155.63 5.810 6.994 184.88 -0.546 -- --

Great 0.004 light for Mettler and he will take a little CIC into the next round. He will face Jones in round two.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left John Edwards 610 C/AA 7.94 .005 1.027 3.033 4.717 146.21 6.167 7.389 184.40 -0.551 -- --
Right Doug Lambeck WIN 710 D/SMA 8.96 .091 1.146 3.369 5.263 129.57 6.902 8.297 158.63 -0.663 .0262 --

Edwards nails the tree with a great five light, but can't catch Lambeck before the lights. Lambeck will take some CIC nibbles into to the next round too.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Clint Neff WIN 8 K/AA 8.23 .016 1.045 3.044 4.773 141.21 6.295 7.624 165.62 -0.606 .0507 --
Right Ross Wilson 7009 C/SM 8.83 .099 1.189 3.360 5.215 131.45 6.833 8.191 165.94 -0.639 -- --

Wilson is late and runs more under his index to no avail. Number two qualifier, Neff, has a good light and runs right at sixty under. Lambeck will be his competition in round two.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Scott Hedlund 7298 A/SM 8.45 .061 1.123 3.230 5.005 138.68 6.540 7.958 150.56 -0.492 -- --
Right Dan Fletcher WIN 1781 C/EA 8.62 .042 1.099 3.253 5.081 134.55 6.659 8.009 161.19 -0.611 .1381 --

Hedlund takes the long way down, as the Cobalt drives way out of the groove at the hit. Fletcher makes a full pass anyway and runs into the sixty under range too. He will have the bye run next round.

Driver Chuck Moore W Ralph Van Paepeghem
Car #72806857
Dial In7.047.81
60 FT1.002--
330 FT2.730--
660 FT4.180--
660 MPH161.87--
1000 FT5.658--
ET 7.224 --
MPH 131.06 --
Ov/Un 0.184 --
MOV 8.3251 --
First -- --

11:48 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 62 degrees, relative humidity 61 percent, barometer 28.79 inches, adjusted altitude 2,068 feet, track temperature 76 degrees. Ralph Van Paepeghem is a no show. Moore leaves hard and runs straight and true to after half track, where he dumps.

Driver Scott McClay Ed Sigmon W
Car #72357771
Dial In7.879.04
60 FT1.0311.125
330 FT2.9543.360
660 FT4.6055.288
660 MPH148.56126.65
1000 FT6.0456.980
ET 7.282 8.438
MPH 180.31 153.54
Ov/Un -0.588 -0.602
MOV -- .1476
First -- --

Two long time Division Seven Comp. racers meet at the line again! McClay was late and could not catch Sigmon. Sigmon will race Moore later.

Driver Tony Mandella Randy Jones W
Car #717230
Dial In8.539.01
60 FT1.1631.154
330 FT3.8993.428
660 FT5.9585.373
660 MPH116.20126.32
1000 FT7.8337.063
ET 9.688 8.826
MPH 111.96 112.97
Ov/Un 1.158 -0.184
MOV -- 1.3538
First -- --

Two wheels up leaves and Mandella is off the throttle and coasting early. Jones lifts early too for the win.

Driver Tom Mettler W Joe Mozeris
Car #7098703
Dial In8.057.54
60 FT1.0601.001
330 FT3.0532.862
660 FT4.7304.437
660 MPH146.53155.63
1000 FT6.1825.810
ET 7.418 6.994
MPH 178.24 184.88
Ov/Un -0.632 -0.546
MOV .1304 --
First -- --

Great 0.004 light for Mettler and he will take a little CIC into the next round. He will face Jones in round two.

Driver John Edwards Doug Lambeck W
Car #610710
Dial In7.948.96
60 FT1.0271.146
330 FT3.0333.369
660 FT4.7175.263
660 MPH146.21129.57
1000 FT6.1676.902
ET 7.389 8.297
MPH 184.40 158.63
Ov/Un -0.551 -0.663
MOV -- .0262
First -- --

Edwards nails the tree with a great five light, but can't catch Lambeck before the lights. Lambeck will take some CIC nibbles into to the next round too.

Driver Clint Neff W Ross Wilson
Car #87009
Dial In8.238.83
60 FT1.0451.189
330 FT3.0443.360
660 FT4.7735.215
660 MPH141.21131.45
1000 FT6.2956.833
ET 7.624 8.191
MPH 165.62 165.94
Ov/Un -0.606 -0.639
MOV .0507 --
First -- --

Wilson is late and runs more under his index to no avail. Number two qualifier, Neff, has a good light and runs right at sixty under. Lambeck will be his competition in round two.

Driver Scott Hedlund Dan Fletcher W
Car #72981781
Dial In8.458.62
60 FT1.1231.099
330 FT3.2303.253
660 FT5.0055.081
660 MPH138.68134.55
1000 FT6.5406.659
ET 7.958 8.009
MPH 150.56 161.19
Ov/Un -0.492 -0.611
MOV -- .1381
First -- --

Hedlund takes the long way down, as the Cobalt drives way out of the groove at the hit. Fletcher makes a full pass anyway and runs into the sixty under range too. He will have the bye run next round.